Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the white papers do have the exchange rate. But there’s something else that Guru Walkingstick and I have been saying also has the new rate in it…the 2021 budget…the 2021 budget is mainly for parliament…And the white papers are for the international world. And both of them in my opinion contain the rate…The outside world – international investors – they get to see what the BIS is showing them. And that would be the white papers. The rate I believe is in both of these and they’re being shown to the appropriate people…

11-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “15 countries sign the world’s largest trade agreement” Quote: “I am delighted to say that after eight years of hard work, as of today, we have officially reached the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations with a signature conclusion,” said Vietnamese Prime Minister Noyn Chuan Phuc.” So, what is the likelihood of the Dong going through a revaluation do to this agreement? Remember it is already trading on FOREX. Pay attention to what is going on and be ready!

11-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG …opinion. Everyone has one. Uhhhhhhh… but did anyone mention to him [Guru Kaperoni] Iraq is in the news DAILY about “converting” to a “market economy” – they want to be included in the world market.

11-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra BIS is the Bank of International Settlement. They’re the central bank of all central banks. It is the lead bank in the world. Their responsibility is to distribute the currency rates around the world to all the central banks…they work very tightly with the IMF and the World Bank. They are also involved in investing. I hope you all caught that article from Thursday or Friday highlighting their interest in Iraq. The big question one has to ask is – Why would the BIS be interested in investing in Iraq that is currency under Article 14 because they have not change their currency rate?

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Finance Committee sets the red lines available to the government to finance the deficit: borrowing…withholding salaries or printing a currency?” Quote: “the deduction and the reduction of the exchange rate against the dollar are among the red lines…” There it is again…The reduction of the EXCHANGE RATE TO THE DOLLAR!! 1000 less three zeros, 1/1..? …they are not going to do deductions to salaries with out increasing their purchasing power, imo. This is the second article in 24 hours along the lines of reduction of the exchange rate, i.e., deletion of the zeros…They reduce the exchange rate and those that have foreign reserves are going to get a massive boost in value. The citizens will get purchase power. It is a win win all around…imo.

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Doesn’t matter how bad the conditions get in Iraq, there is no RV. Not how monetary policy works. The only way the dinar can rise is if Iraq creates the conditions, passes the laws and gets foreign investment to come in and create a private sector. In other words, unless they diversify, build a growing economy the dinar will do nothing. There is no magic wand.

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article Quote: “It is noteworthy that a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, said today, Sunday, that the government would resort to reducing employee salaries allocations, in light of the ongoing financial crisis, and the government will also resort to activating collection, taxes and direct deduction from the currency auction.” Reducing salary allocations means they are to be adjusting the exchange rate…Reducing the 000s from the exchange rate means effectively having to pay less currency as the value of it is greater!! Imo . Again, they are not going to tax at a program rate!! Imo

11-23-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My chatter out of Iraq is still pretty encouraging. My folks on the ground agree that everything is done…just waiting for the shoe to drop.

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …There’s a very good chance that we will most likely see the rate change during this 2020 Iraq fiscal period…because they got the borrowing law. That was money needed to fund the reforms in their budget…that’s really good news that we saw Iraq do the borrowing law. The borrowing law simply means they can change at any time…

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …always ask yourself what are the odds of them allowing people to know in advance that a rate change is about to happen? It would cause a tsunami of people, speculators, running over there and trying to grab more dinar and causing more problems for Iraq…

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Deleting 3 zeros from the currency…Parliamentary finance is suspended and determines the size of the cost and the economic effects ” …I look at this article as being another fair warning of the change that is to come…not only are they thinking about the deletion of the zeros, it has been in the works for many years now and is about to be launched. imo…They…what the focus is. It is actually deleting three zeros from the exchange rate, which reduces the number (as they show) from 1000 to 1, which then begets 1/1 and with that comes great purchasing power…imo…