Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-19-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-19-19
11-19-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Did the CBI just end the currency auctions? …Let this news play out and see if, in fact, the currency auctions do continue and are picked back up and the buy and sell rates change. Or will this finally be the end and the reinstatement is just around the corner? …if they are exchanging very limited dinars for US dollars via the currency auctions, then how can the banks continue in business? Could this mean “reinstatement” time…finally to get out of this situation? We know this was on the very first list of demands from the demonstrators so let’s see what happens.
11-19-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …We also just heard this morning 11/18/19 that parliament is going to vote on some needed legislation in regards to these demands. Then out popped an article telling us that the 2020 budget will reach parliament in the next few days or so for the first vote. Oh – boy this could get interesting real fast. But the budget has an implementation date of Jan 1st 2020. Why? Because their fiscal year begins on Jan 1st… The first quarter of their fiscal year is the BEST time to reinstate the currency. …looks like our early January 2020 date creeps up again. …I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed this time this is finally the beginning of the end of this Iraqi dinar RV ride.
11-19-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …The banks are wound up so tight just one breath from the CBI is going to set off giving the citizens IMO the smaller notes because there has been a change to the American dollar in the auctions. If that is true then that means an exchange rate has occurred…It is the only way we could have done that is if they made a change to the exchange rate of their currency. And I believe they are about to make an announcement but first we’ve got to get the pictures and we’ve got to get the descriptions…
11-19-2019 Intel Guru Delta …now is the best time for them to basically pull the trigger IMO because remember this is what the demonstrators want…and we all know the government is working on the budget and they have in mind to send that budget before the end of the month. If that is the case we should see the rates before that because as they’ve told us this budget is going to be different and it should have the rates in it. This is definitely very interesting and I’m waiting to see the next 24 hours of what’s going to happen and what the Central Bank’s next move is going to be and that’s going to give us a window of what’s going on there…
11-18-2019 Intel Guru Delta …MSG FROM DEMONSTRATOR TO EVERY IRAQI… “Baghdad will leave the title of the worst city in the world. Your passport will regain its prestige, and your dinar will be revalued. Your children will have a better future than yours. The peoples of the earth will respect you and no one will dare to despise you, if you decide to do so and insist on it…the victory of one Iraq”
11-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “WHY DOES IRAN HATE IRAQ’S UPRISING?” …I have been the ONLY single person out in this dinar community that has been telling everyone for years that unless the Iranian influence is GONE from Iraq their will be no RV. So now we see it playing out finally coming to a head. This needed to happen to transition away from Iran. This process had to begin and now we must wait and watch it all play out before the CBI makes its next move.
11-18-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Things got very quiet last night and I really expected 800 numbers by this morning…so I am a little disappointed. I have heard of a number of people have been called in to be flown to Reno today bringing their currency…more flying in this afternoon as well …These are people I know in real life… Hopefully I will get a great update soon… Iraq is very quiet from my contacts right now. Maybe because of all the rioting in Iran. […do you think the RV will happen before the end of 2019?] Yes I do…I think there is a huge effort every day to get this rolled out…they will keep trying imo until it is successful…so I expect it every day.
11-18-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …the budget. Let’s talk about what’s inside it because it’s very important…Baghdad and Kurdistan are meeting to resolve numbers and math within the budget pertaining to Article 140 the HCL and now they’re telling you that reconstruction is in the budget and reforms are in the budget. All those items are post rate change items…Because every single one of those items are within the 2020 budget this means they’re also waiting on the 2020 budget…notice how all of those items are items that are being promised to the citizens in regards to the demonstrations but yet they’re also waiting on the 2020 budget…that means they can’t wait too long to get them implemented…