Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-17-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-17-19
11-17-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …we have seen more articles since July talking about article 140 and HCL more than we ever have in history. And those types of steps and actions would strongly confirm that we’re right on the edge of this. But like I said time is a factor…this is not a get rich overnight kind of thing…
11-17-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce … None of us knew that the Dinar Days of our Lives was going to run this long!! …none of us ever anticipated the political football this ‘project’ has become. There is an abundance of evidence that this ‘event’ should have taken place many years ago. But, here we are. Still punting the dinar football! The latest information that has come to me indicates that we are, once again, in a very hot window. This window is open as we speak, and will remain open and hot through the end of the year. Please pay attention!! Now. To the end of the year. And I am hoping ‘sooner than later.’
11-17-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce It is my understand that President Trump wants this done ‘now’. But we do not know how long ‘now’ might take to complete. It is entirely possible that Thanksgiving 2019 could be one for the books. But, as we ALL have learned, things can change the direction of this in a heartbeat. So, while we have very good information right now, it is important that everyone remain grounded and focused on the long game. While we could have a lot to be thankful for at Thanksgiving this year, it also could be a New Year’s to remember. …at some point, in the very near future, we are going to have a lot for which to be very grateful.
11-16-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready I see this driven to quick conclusion by at least 3 drivers: Iraq protestors need an RV, imminent implosion of fed fiat money system, and possible implosion of derivatives market. We shall see what the future brings. Hopefully, an RV – and soon.
11-16-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …what Iraq is showing you through their actions is they are waiting on something for the rate change. They’re waiting as you and I are. Their actions show you that. What are they waiting on? Who’s in charge? That’s real easy. Look at who’s throwing their power around. Look at who’s doing the most…who shed blood for Iraq? Who poured trillions of dollars into Iraq? Who’s flexing their muscles around the world? …It’s Donald Trump’s in charge of the timing of the rate change and I promise you he has an agenda…
11-16-2019 Newshound Guru larryk I fine it funny how some gurus are saying this will happen any day now. But if you look at what is going on , I doubt that will happen.
11-16-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE FILE AUCTION CURRENCY OF THE MOST CORRUPT FILES IN IRAQ” …so here we hear the same old, same old, same old complaining about the currency auctions and how much money is being stolen from the Iraqi people. Can you see why now the protestors are demanding these auctions to end? Will they get their demands met? To me it seems they MUST get their demands met and this is one of the critical demands. Remember this demand was on their FIRST list of demands.
11-16-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni In order for the dinar to appreciate in value the CBI needs a reason to raise the value. That reason is an increase in GDP, and inflationary pressure created from significant investment capital. Only then will the CBI move off the peg and allow the dinar to rise via a float.