Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-8-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-8-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Economic consultant: More than 172 factories have been suspended since 2003 – until now” Quote: “The trend towards a market economy to be a strategic partner with the private sector is taking place for the first time in Iraq, which is a correct step to restore the movement of Iraqi industry again,” This is a “catch phrase” some have interpreted as some kind of precursor “dog whistle” to a soon coming RV… I’m not so sure about all that – but it is really nice to see this lingo starting to surface again. Also, this is the primary economic adviser to the Prime Minister speaking… BTW.

10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ECONOMIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE INTEGRATION OF IRAQ TO THE UNION OF THE GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL” Quote: “The forum, …sought to boost the Jordanian-Gulf economic development by opening new partnerships between business owners, reflecting the economies of both sides and activating the trade exchange movement.” Can you see how Iraq joining the GCC all ties together with wanting to trade using the dinar…(currencies of their own countries).

10-7-2017 Newshound mike It’s pretty clear that Kuwait isn’t going to forgive the $4.5 billion Iraq owes them in lieu of investment opportunity. If Baghdad continues to drag it’s heals I’d re-implement Chapter 7, it’s not the “best” thing for us but it would remove the Kuwaiti compensation from the list of impediments to montetary reform and economic growth in Iraq. Iraq still pumps roughly $60 billion in oil annually, skim Kuwait’s compensation off the top like they did with the oil for food program and get these guys paid.

10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ECONOMIST: IRAQ CANNOT TRADE IN LOCAL CURRENCY” Quote: “IRAQ’S AGREEMENT WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TO TRADE THROUGH THE LOCAL CURRENCY AND ABANDON THE DOLLAR WOULD BE POSITIVE PAYOFFS ON THE ECONOMIC SITUATION, explained that Iraq could not take such steps at the moment because of the weak economy and the lack of a national industry.” What they are saying is they would luv to trade in dinars but can’t due to the economic sanctions still imposed upon their country of Iraq. These sanctions remain until they get the economy stable. But this is amazing news since it tells us future plans and desire to use the dinar.