Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-26-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance confirms the government’s printing of new currencies without financial cover and describes the act as “dangerous” …we see they speak if printing currency with out “cover”. Well “cover” to me may mean a new rate is needed now, as the CBI has not exposed it yet. They printed new notes, not larger triple zero notes…

10-26-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] It was an exceptionally quiet weekend with very little news…especially on the banking front. In Iraq this morning…no measurable movement. [Looking like RV after the election!] I am starting to feel that way. I was expecting a whole lot to happen this weekend that did not. Seven days and 14 hours until election day. If I hear anything worth sharing I will…but, at this point I am not anticipating anything earth shattering.

10-25-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …the Borrowing Law. Here’s what I see them doing. They’ve done the first reading and they haven’t changed the rate yet. What that suggests to me is that they are most likely not going to change the rate until around the end of the approval process of the Borrowing Law. Typically all three readings of a law take anywhere from 30 to 45 days…they’ve already did the first reading…

10-25-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready I do know people who said this would not happen until after the election. But their reasoning seemed no good to me. If we are waiting for another event, it is certainly later than any plan I have ever heard about.

10-25-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [ I know you don’t care about the protest…but I woke up this morning and…the whole country is protesting… The people of Iraq gave the Gov until the 25 to start the reforms… but what a surprise Iraq couldn’t follow through on another date…] …the Iraqi people…have been asked to do something and they aren’t doing their part. The issue is not the Iraqi PM. …this Iraqi PM has done alot actually…The issue is not the Iraqi PM. At all. …I don’t care about protests going on…I absolutely believe this is going to happen. And nothing shakes me. At all. I don’t change my mind because of the protests…

10-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 CBI Video “A video of the Central Bank of counting and sorting the Iraqi currency and destroying it.” You know why they’re destroying it? …because they’re about to introduce the new small category notes…


10-24-2020 Intel Guru Austin-Powers-For-PM …This RV will happen, but it’s impossible to nail down a timeline. In 10+ years of this journey we’ve had people tell us that it “has” to happen before (pick your date) and that date comes and goes. We could very well be post election without an RV. I do believe this will happen either before 2020 is over or the 1st few days of 2021…Things are lining up, and they’re in a position where they will have to make things happen, and rather soon. Do understand that there are forces that want this stopped dead in it’s tracks (Iranian proxies, the corrupt in high places, global interests who benefit from the Status Quo) who will do anything to delay this until January 20th, 2021…Yes, the heat is on to complete this and complete it very soon.

10-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …right now we’re right at the cusp of bring fourth the new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar. Right now we’re beyond the cusp of introducing the pictures of the new small category notes to the citizens…anywhere from one to four weeks then you can say goodbye to me…
