Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …what is going on these past couple days…To begin with parliament entertained the CBI and they talked about the so-called “White Paper”. Our friend Dr. Shabbi was present and gave a speech about FOATING the dinar…my important point in recent news is that they are actually seriously discussing putting the dinar on a FLOAT. Folks do you know just how good this news is?…I believe they are really going to do it this time… this comes in perfect timing for a January 2021 reinstatement. But…can they even wait that long since they are scrambling now to find solution on how they can meet the October dues and salaries to the citizens. …Remember the only had secured these dues until September and we are past that already. I know…they always seem to find a solution at the last minute…But I got to tell you this time there is so much positive discussion about doing the float…

10-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …it’s very clear what the future holds for Iraq. It can’t be any clearer. There is definitely a path, a strategy, a process and now an execution of the process is occurring right in front of us. I’m very encouraged with what I’ve read…what’s very telling to me is not just what’s going on in Iraq but look what Kazemi is doing right now. He’s on a war path right now going through Europe. He’s going to Paris and Berlin and the UK and it’s all about internationalism…clearly signing deals and making things happen for the growth of his country…I’m very encouraged…

10-20-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …they have been educating the citizens since November of last year. November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June July, August, September, October and we have the proof…month after month after month from the coins, from the new small category notes…that drumbeat has not changed…


10-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Indicators of the dollar war against the Iraqi dinar…The “latent” foreign currency reserve is a good number” I don’t know you guys, man they’re kind of skirting the edges here on what looks like an announcement of some type of rate change. Now don’t quote me to this but they seem to be skirting that border there very carefully…I can understand why people are kind of bouncing around…I don’t want to give people false hope. Don’t get overly excited…but I do find it very interesting that these so called rumors are being leaked out by parliament. Very very interesting…until there is an official announcement from the central bank just assume all this is just rumors for now…it’s exciting…

10-19-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …Most of my banking centers have been very, very quiet…especially IRAQ. I cannot get anything from there. I have reached out to many contacts with no response. I am hoping and praying that is a positive thing. The article in Iraq parliament was supposed to be voted on Saturday in a closed session and I cannot find out what happened…They are dead silent in the sandbox.

10-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …we’re still in a very good position right now…right now we’re on a week to week status with this investment. There’s a very good chance that the rate change is going to catch us by surprise very simply because the level of news coming out…

10-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “A director in the central bank sets his forecast for the dollar exchange rate within days and reveals a forthcoming measure” …the last week or so there’s no doubt there’s been a lot of chatter. A lot of talks about the exchange rate. It’s exciting. Sometimes it’s good news. Sometimes it doesn’t look like good news…what we want to see is action. Until they make some type of official announcement on the rate change just take everything with a grain of salt… This [article] gives the appearance that they’re getting ready to make the rate change…I don’t want us to get overly excited until the bank has made an official announcement. Right now they’re just saying this is just talk…

10-19-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq central is in a catch 22 of sorts due to corruption and lack of revenue from the financial. Because they use the currency auctions as a means to maintain exchange rate stability as well as provide dollars for Imports, they cannot keep supplying the dollars…without depleting reserves. With no auction the spread/exchange rate collapes. This really messes with monetary policy and requirements of the IMF. Iraq needs to take action within parliament to stop corruption and at the same time make progress towards reforms.

10-19-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 WAITAMINUTE – DIDN’T KUWAIT DENY REVALUING THEIR CURRENCY…AND THEN REVALUED IT? [They sure did Ray…had some friends who missed out because they said they weren’t and did. They had already turned in their currency when it revalued by less than 1 week.]