Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-8-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-8-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-8-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Saleh proposes to establish a fund to invest in Iraq” Instead of an investment fund why not just pass the HCL and let the citizens share in the oil wealth like Kuwati, Qatar and the UAE? The problem with this solution from Salih is: “while noting that Iraq has an opportunity through comprehensive solutions to put things right,” The GOI can’t fix this, their hubris is holding up progress. Establish the framework, empower the open market economy and get out of the way, that’s the best thing Iraq’s leaders can do right now. IMO.

1-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Businessmen, money, traders, industrialists and bankers calling for new criteria for the classification of banks in Iraq” Deposit insurance and currency reform are a must. Nobody is coming to invest until the CBI does these.

1-7-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “UN support .. Abadi is preparing to launch a comprehensive project for “reconciliation and Zeroing” Makes you wonder what it all entails…”the project in its final form must be completed within a short period,”…

1-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Some say the IQD is already back on the global exchanges, as the banks are willing to sell or buy the currency at the program rate. This is not correct. First, the IQD is NOT back on the global exchanges… Second, this means simply the banks are just selling and buying the currency. Other internet currency brokers too are still selling and buying IQD, so does this make it international again? What is the difference with the current sales of IQD with the brokers vs the banks? This is my point exactly! There is no difference! International is global, get it? …it only means that the banks have a desire to trade the currency since, even with the very low program rate, it is still a legitimate, legal currency within Iraq and does have some value – and most importantly – there is demand and they can make money off a spread.