Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-5-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-5-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-5-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 On Tuesday…[Guru] Delta called me…and told me that the President of Iraq…used an Executive Order to POSTPONE the budget. I was expecting to see it on the 31st. Delta said that if it came out with a NEW RATE we would be happy…BUT if it came out with a PROGRAM RATE…it would send the wrong message! …it would not impress the INTERNATIONAL world. …he doesn’t want to release it…because there is a new rate in it. This also came from the High Council of Ministers. The budget doesn’t need to be approved or passed…it NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED! Abadi comes out…says he needs 72 hours …and he wants another 72 hours more. Why? Mosul…Give me Mosul…you’ll see the MR. That mantra hasn’t changed. So…we have a HOLD on the budget… Stability and security are now the main focus. MOOKLA = Security/ Stability = CBI releasing a rate.

1-5-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi said that in the beginning of 2017…was to OPEN the economic relations in Iraq to the INTERNATIONAL world? They have a targeted/calculated date for the MR. (monetary reform). IMO…they know the date…and they need to accomplish this in the MOOKLA of 2017. They don’t hide the budget FROM us…they hide it FOR us. To finish the security / stability…to reach the 57-58 for the budget. Delta said that they are hovering oil around 57-58. What would 60 and above mean? That would wipe out their deficit. The GOI and the military are using the same strategy … because IMO…they have the same leader…(Abadi)…and they have the same goal. To add value…not just their currency …but their country that is filthy rich! The CBI is more than ready to release the rate..

1-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Up to 10 banks now and 1 credit union dealing in the Dinar… CURRENT WINDOW: …One intel source aligns with Jan 5th. This week is still a possibility. . . Iraq is quiet… Budget: still expectations it will be in the Gazette this week. Irons in the fire yet to come that say progress.

1-5-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke FYI, official funding outside the country for all exchanges, may begin next weekend of January 7, 8 & 9th, with the new substantially increased, adjusted rate value of the dinar, in Iraq. FYI, in our opinion. The Nor’easter has now passed thru…

1-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Bluedog Article: “Iraq: We started to implement measures to reduce crude production from the beginning of 2017″ Quotes: “Iraqi Oil Minister Ali Jabbar Hussein Allaibi announced on Thursday that Iraq has begun to reduce the national production of crude oil with the beginning of the new year 2017 procedures, in line with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decision.” “He explained that the decision to cut oil production is to address the decline in oil prices in the global market and the problem will no longer needed if the producers to achieve the goals.” Sounds like Iraq is dealing behind the scenes…and they are keeping us out of the loop… “OUTSIDE OPEC”…WOW!

1-4-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat So much news on the “project to delete the zeros” recently. …they told us recently there will be yet another phase implemented for this project and it will launch three new lower denominations and they plan to do it soon. We learn (and confirm) today that the merchants also know about this upcoming change and want it real bad. By launching the lower denominations they can begin paying their foreign obligations directly using dinar. But in the process the dinar must go international and must have some real value to compete with other foreign currencies.

1-4-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Just received from contact. From WF: Zim Dinar Rupiah Rial Dong are off currency screen. Believed to be they are entering new rates. Waiting for additional confirmation. WF CURRENCY INFO HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY ANOTHER SOURCE. YOUR BEST BET IS TO NOT SPECULATE WHAT BEING “OFF THE SCREEN” MEANS AT THIS POINT. LET’S SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. IT MAY MEAN NOTHING OR IT MAY MEAN EVERYTHING.

1-4-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat We were told the cabinet held its first session of 2017 on Tuesday, January 3 2017, headed by Dr. Haider al – Abab. So we know the parliament is not too far behind also as they told us they will hold their first session on Jan 7th. The legislative part of the government is getting back to work.

1-4-2017 Newshound Guru wmawhite They have laws that eventually need to be passed. However, none of those laws preclude a change in the value of the currency. Remember, nearly 21 months ago…March 3, 2015 the CBI announced that they had received the “green light” to move forward with the “Delete The Zeros Project.” nothing about needing any laws passed…this event is in process…it is not a single event. Instead, it has many parts to it and the value change is only one part of the project that is needed up front.