Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-4-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-4-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-4-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “The war is likely escalating in the Middle East. When Iran gets involved will this negatively affect the rate? the float?” IMO the war is affecting more the relationships between counties in the Middle East…As far as it affecting the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar that’s in a sealed envelope…figuratively speaking. It has nothing to do with the war. Once that envelope is opened, it would definitely/probably have some cause and effect on the float, in the basket. Because what countries are in those baskets? Yeah, the ones that might be affected but I don’t think it’d be affected in a negative way. War has a tendency to (snap) speed things up.

1-4-2023 Intel/Newshound Gurus MarkZ & Militia Man Question: What happens if they just print new notes and the dinar we hold are not good anymore? MarkZ: That will never be accepted in the international world. You would have to have a closed economy to do that…like N. Korea. You cannot do that to the international world though. Militia Man: We can clearly see the people behind this – the WTO, The IMF, The world Bank…the BIS, the Federal Reserve bank…The US, Canada, The UK…all kinds of countries hold dinar in their foreign reserves. Iraq cannot just say…”Sorry guys- we aren’t paying you” That is not going to happen. We are talking trillions. Look at the US- The US embassy in Iraq is one of the biggest in the world. One of our presidents said we are going to get paid back for this. They are planning big things over the next few months and need an exchange rate to match. Sudani has been moving on steroids to get this done.

1-4-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick The closer we get to this monetary reform, much more will be revealed…So much is already being revealed and put in print but as we get closer you will see so much more.

1-4-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Can you give us more details to some of us who don’t quite understand the deletion of the zeros…?” Here’s where people get pissy because there’s an article everybody keeps talking about, the study of the deletion of 3-zeros. Pay attention to the wording. It doesn’t say anything at all about the exchange rate. It says clear as day, the deletion of the zeros are to remove the 3-zeros off the currency, the bank note. Nothing about the rate. The bank note…It’s not complicated…The worst thing that can happen for us is those suckers turn around and delete the zeros and then change the exchange rate…I’m not saying they’re going to do that, but it is an option…Most likely they’re going to change the exchange rate in increments…

1-3-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I got a call that said the…US Treasury was going to send out an email to all banks and redemption centers …when we talk to people like the southeastern regional manager of Wells Fargo and certain other people they say everything is done…everything’s done. We don’t know why it hasn’t happened. And when you get that from your top banking sources, that you really haven’t heard what that email was – it tends to make us believe – Yes, we’re super close, but we still don’t know exactly when it’s gonna go…

1-3-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy I think you’re going to start seeing the dinar go up in increments. That’s just my opinion and my feelings. As they continue to get their ducks in a row. Let’s hope this happens…

1-3-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [Iraqi banks] are having a stampede of people going in because of the understanding of the monetary reform education. Direct deposit accounts were opened for the citizens that didn’t have any accounts…they opened up about 1 million…and they’re not done yet…These bank accounts are extremely important for the monetary reform…These accounts are for payments that will be made to the citizens…salaries given to the citizens, for any retirement salaries given…for HCL payments…What they are doing is extremely important for the monetary reform process…

1-3-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “Why do the [Iraqi] citizens want to keep using the dinar when the value is so low?” Not everybody has access to the US dollar for one thing. #2 It’s artificially low. A lot of Iraqi’s know this. They know what’s going on. There’s nothing they can do about it. That’s one of the things, if you watch the parliamentary elections of Iraq one of the number one campaign promises all these guys make is we’re going to add value to the dinar. They know it’s artificially low. [They look around and think] we’re selling more energy, the price per barrel is more, we have more customers and yet the dinar is [worthless] and we’re all running around in poverty.

1-3-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man I highly recommend people pay attention to what we’re talking about because this is not something to take lightly. If you’re still on the fence I really think you should…start doing some research…I hate to see anyone miss out on an opportunity…

1-3-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Selling an Iraqi currency dating back to the era of “King Ghazi” for 100 thousand pounds sterling” Quote: “A very rare Iraqi currency dating back to the royal era was sold in the country, today, Monday, at a fantastic price of 100,000 pounds sterling, or approximately 187 million Iraqi dinars.”

1-3-2024 Newshound Guru Henig …The situation with the Iraqi Dinar is no longer limited to a few observers. It is getting world-wide attention…

1-3-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 2023 was the year of preparation for the monetary reform to be revealed. We are now in that position. We are now in the position that the monetary reform is being revealed to the citizens of Iraq. One of the things that is happening, and I pray that it happens faster, is the value of the Iraqi dinar is going up every day causing the dollar to go down…down…down… Once they reach a certain plateau that they’re looking for then they’re going to float the currency. That’s why they’ve educated the citizens of Iraq about the float…

1-3-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …with the government forcing the use of dinar only from now on…they need to have a higher value…or these people who have the green light to come in and start building are not coming…I am being told from my folks on the street over there to watch in the coming days or weeks for the rate of dinar on the prices of goods to change. To me this signals there is going to be a substantial change. And they told us they are going to implement their economic reforms in the month of January. And the exchange rate is a key issue in those.

1-3-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “When you say, managed float, if it hits Forex tonight and comes out let’s call it $0.22…if that thing shot up to $1.00 in 24 hours are they going to try to restrict it?” There has to be more growth. You would de-stabilize the economy. They’re just now getting on their feet. The last thing you want to do is drop some huge exchange rate in their laps because it effects all businesses…there’s a lot more involved. I’m not saying it’s not going to go up in value. Obviously…I believe that it’s gonna go up in value but I’m not a person that supports…we’re gonna get a $3.22 rate.

1-3-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick The evidence for the monetary reform was perfectly set up at the start of 2024. If that’s the case, what happened? Ka-ka happens. Things happen. It is what it is. What…I’m very very excited about, it’s not about rumors..Iran stealing…lies…our government here in the United States of America…Right now what it is, is they are announcing the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens. There talking about the float and the reason why they’re talking about the float IMO is because that’s the next phase…

1-3-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …2023 was an outstanding year for progress in the currency monetary reforms in Iraq. I could hardly believe that so much was done in such a short period of time, if you compare the other 20 years since the 2003 invasion. In today’s news we read multiple articles talking about all this progress and how they have so far managed to get the parallel rate from 160,000 to 145,000. This is very close to the official CBI rate of 132,000, but not yet there as they expected. My CBI contact is telling me they still want to bring it closer and more stable…It’s all very good signs but now there yet.

1-3-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat My CBI contact tells me they do need it closer and stable and when it does, they will trigger another CBI official rate revaluation. But this will still be the program rate not what we want. We need to keep our eyes on the CBI “official” rate. When this rate drops again, I was told they will move ahead on the project to delete the zeros. They want to accomplish this in the month of January and are optimistic they can. So, this is the very good news for today to kick off the new year.

1-3-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I have ZERO doubt that we are going to reset and the Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, and others are going to do exceptionally well…It’s all in our history.