Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-31-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-31-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-31-2019 Newshound Guru Phillyman Article: “Abdul Mahdi: The next stage will witness a great economic openness to the world” Quote: “For his part, Abdul-Mahdi said that “the next phase will witness great economic openness on the regional and global environment. Within two days, an important agreement will be implemented with Jordan on the export of oil and the opening of Trebil.” …I continue to follow the news and believe that Iraq despite its battles with corruption and the conflicts in the region is going to make major moves forward economically.

1-31-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We’re on the cusp of a good number of significant possibilities, so I’m not ruling anything out…we have some REAL good news coming soon…Good things come to those that wait, and it’s looking like we’ve all waited about long enough… things are coming for us.

1-31-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The next stage will witness great economic openness on the regional and global environment” Quote: “the most important items that were added to the law of the general budget 2019, and is likely to arrive in less than two days to the government and the Presidency of the Republic for ratification and start to apply.” No going back from here imo. We are going to get paid. imo. Lets keep in mind the article suggests the Ratification is within two days…real close… imo.

1-30-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …UN chapter 7 is differnet than IMF Article VIII. Iraq is in IMF Article XIV and from there they will move to VIII.

1-30-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So here we are the end of January already and still no RV. It has been a disappointing month for us but we do know that they made 2 planned attempts to RV this month in Iraq. Both were stopped by the US under NSA reasons.

1-30-2019 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is rampant with messages, statements, allegations and etc.
1. CBI governor Alaq informing the citizens that the reason for the delays is to increase the environment of the private sector.
2. Cleric Sadr calling for Alaq’s dismissal from the CBI and referencing close ties to Maliki.
3. PM Mahdi threatens those who stole several billion dinar with publicly revealing their names and being prosecuted if the currency is not returned within one week.
4. Alaq is again on TV adding that the delay is also attributed to the concerns over the cabinet selections.

1-30-2019 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq is basically out of the way. They did get a phone call from our President couple of days ago about being placed into Chapter 8 out of Chapter 7. They are in position now where they have their ATM machines loaded with their new currency, and they have been given instructions to take in all of the US Dollar, what we call USD, the fiat dollars, to collect all of those by the first of February because our USTN is going to be in a position where they should be out and live by or on February 1, 2019. That is a really good sign for us. …Even though we have noticed the bank screens have a stamp day of tomorrow [Wednesday], Thursday and Friday, January 30, 31, and February 1st…They still do not have an exact start date for us…I would say we are looking for good the next 3 days especially Thursday and Friday… Everything is pointing to an imminent release for us. …Union Operational rates, pages have been down. That is kind of unusual for those pages to go down, but I think they may bring those Operational rates back up on February 1st and they may reveal the current currency rates…I am excited where we are. I have heard really good things about the next three days.