Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-30-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-30-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-30-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff They’ll have the budget done by mid-February. That’s all that matters. The exact timing of this has nothing to do with the rate change. Even if they complete the budget in a week or two it has nothing to do with the timing of the rate change. The rate change will have everything to do with the timing of their fiscal year…Iraq is walking in Kuwaits footsteps…Don’t forget Iraq kind of already gave you the rate change date – when they devalued the currency on December 20th. That was a 90-day tool for the rate change…to reduce the dinar note count and get more 3 zero notes out of circulation within the country of Iraq…you guys are in the best spot you’ve ever been in. We’re looking really good…

1-30-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …what we are looking for them to do is to do a final vote…of the budget – AND…the HCL…The HCL is the Hydro Carbon Law – it’s the Oil and Gas Law…the law that takes percentages and attributes the percentages to the region of Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq and Baghdad…they are going to vote on is a final vote on 2021 budget and the HCL on Monday…but to be able to do that they have to have a new rate on the Iraqi Dinar before the vote…one of our individuals that lives in Mosul…said that has to happen before Monday – well guess what? The first business day for Iraq is Sunday – my gut is they will have that new rate on Sunday…the timing is interesting as far as the vote on Monday – Remember – we do have a group of people over there in Iraq to help them finish this – and give them any additional help they need regarding the reevaluation of their currency – What is it going to come out at? I don’t know exactly – I know it should be really good – along the lines of what Dr Shabbibi said it would be – back in 2012…

1-29-2021 Intel Guru Bruce …Iraq finally evidently agreed on (I don’t remember the name of it) it’s been so far back – it’s a matter of the sharing of revenue between lower Iraq Baghdad – and the Kurdistan Region – which is north part of Iraq – and they have evidently settled on a percentage of revenue that would go to Kurdistan…there appears to be a win / win situation between…Kurdistan and lower provinces of Iraq – so that is good – They’ve got some agreement and are moving forward from there…

1-29-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We have always been told the ideal window was a Saturday Night between 11 pm est to 2-3 AM est…This is the ideal time because of the lack of numbers going through the financial system. It’s a quiet time and the easiest time to flag any nefarious things going on….We have always been looking at this timeframe. Yes they could do it other times….but Saturday night is the one that makes the most sense…With the QDS system they do have more flexibility then they had before.

1-29-2021 Intel Guru Mike Cottrell [via PDK] [What timeframe/window are you hearing for the RV?] The window is anytime. We are looking at the first financial quarter of the year…I think the window is any time….I would look for it at any moment. …The timeframe that was always given to me was Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun…Saturday night is when all the banks shut down worldwide for at least an hour to redo their books for going into Monday’s business…

1-29-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The president of the Republic receives a written message from the king of Jordan” Each country’s currency gets its value from strong economies…so when you see these countries coming together to work with one another in business and and trade all it does is strengthens their economy. That’s what we want to look for. I told you don’t just look for an RV or an RI…there are other factors that we can be watching. Pay attention to what’s happening in the economy…

1-29-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff …You’ve seen this financial article…that said the dollar exchange rate would remain high for a period of 3 years…there were things I’ve taught you guys in this but you didn’t apply it…how many of those articles did you see? Only one. Nothing more. I’ve taught you that you need to see more than one. When they devalued the currency on December 20th we saw a lot of articles. Not just one. We saw a bunch. Second, the article talking about the dollar exchange rate remaining high…that only came from the Parliamentary Finance Committee…if it doesn’t come from the Central Bank it’s don’t hold any credibility…I need to see it from the Central Bank…we need to see more than one article and it’s got to come from the Central Bank…

1-29-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Will the cancelling of the Keystone XL increase demand for IRAQI oil and thereby the PPB? Could this be a Precursor to an RV?] That’s a great observation, and I think it’s 100% in Iraq’s favor! Anything that drives the price of oil up, and does not take away from Iraq’s ability to produce and export their own product, is good for Iraq. This is one such example.

1-29-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “International Monetary Receives an “emergency request” from Iraq” Yep… They are not going to do that for a program rate… More to the story and the story is economic success, hence, the support from the IMF… There is give and take and Iraq is ready to give now.. imo..

1-29-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Any new info on dong rates?] I am still hearing a street rate .47 to .50 cents and it will be allowed to float up. The contract rate is expected to be in the low $2 dollars. Hopefully this is accurate. We are not going to know the actual rates until we get there. Some rates are being re-negotiated up until the very last moment.