Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-27-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-27-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-27-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan This next week is critical for us in that there is evidence as I see that is clear to me that this process of implementation of MR is full throttle now to be completed and for many reasons. 1) the banks are linked globally and wire transferring money and in IQD is a reality. 2) Security and stability as noted by the green zone and the barriers around the CBI. 3) they appear to have printed $238+- mil in new currency. 4) EY, PWC and KPMG were in Alaks office last Sunday. 5) the 2019 budget is passed by 278 people into late night early morning the other day and now being calculated by the CBI, and most likely signed by the President and off to the Gazette shortly if not already.

1-27-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan 6) they have a conference for investors scheduled in February and they will need the rate prior to that or it will FAIL!!! It will be a massive boon for them or a huge screw up as I see it. That is imo not going to happen, as they have come way to far as the laundry list is clearly showing me that they are working to get this done ASAP. There are contracts that need to be sorted within the next few days and that too adds gas to the fire!! Let’s not forget the Kurds just got what the wanted and then some and Mahdi is talking to the Radio and Media today.. – Imo – so let’s see how things play out..

1-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready I think the sudden passage of the budget was a pretty good indication that this is about to bust loose… The fact that Allaq announced, a day in advance, that the budget would pass, told me everything I needed to know about who was in control of this process in Iraq… Hint…it isn’t anybody in the parliament… This is in the hands of Allaq, IMF, and Trump.

1-26-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, on Tuesday, the unification of customs tariffs and full control of all border crossings of the country” we have been told many years ago that the customs and tariffs revenue for Iraq could rival the oil revenue if it could be unified and fully controlled. So this article…says they have done it. But remember in order to determine the amount of billing they need to be able to convert the foreign currency to equivalent dinar and they can’t do that unless the dinar is on the global currency exchanges. We know they have integrated already with a global import/export system. So is this the next step coming soon to complete the project?

1-26-2019 Intel Guru RayRen98 Parliament met today and announced the end of the first legislative term of the new government. PM Mahdi hasn’t been hosted yet…no cabinet vote selections were concluded. “Supposedly” conclusion of the cabinet vote is postponed until March? [Don’t panic, watch what they do…not what they say]

1-26-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 [via TBall] IMO…this ride is just about over with starting today. Trump reopened the US Gov for the RV….to get it done…Iraq needed this time to release it 1-3 weeks…They approved their budget for the first time in over 14 years on Tuesday..