Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-22-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-22-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-22-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [If the CBI website (arabic side ) is still not showing a rate, how long can that continue? I am wondering what requirements, if any, there are for reporting the exchange rates at a given interval?] Yes… It’s called an RV…

1-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat I can hardly believe all that I am seeing happening with these Iraqi economic and financial reforms. It is all so amazing and I fully believe Iraq is now on a FAST TRACK.

1-22-2017 Newshound Guru 1bobby Article: “Rafidain Bank, said Saturday that his predecessor granted 10 million dinars for State officials to have smart card activated receives her monthly salary.” These are the cards that will reduce the note count and add liquidity to the banks. Remember the 3 Ministries that agreed to have ALL employees salaries issued thru this card? Also the Rubber Industry agreed to the same with their employees (19,000 or so) This “10 million” advance was aimed at the :shortcomings” of the salaries due to the economic crisis. Employees that sign up, thru the smart card, will be eligible for these advances. Just inner workings that have been going on for awhile now. They had to get the Ministries approval and get their ducks in a row before proceeding with this program. Bottom line is…reducing note count, adding liquidity to the banks.

1-22-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article “Iraq Stock Exchange recorded an increase the value and number of shares during the past week” Quote: “There is a rise in the number of shares traded last week by (129.85%) compared to per week, which was accepted, while there was a rise in the total value of shares traded last week by (154.78%) compared to per week, which was accepted.” The ISX had a good week last week. Week over Week increase in trade volume by 129.85%…Week over week increase in share value 154.78%. WOW. Wonder what sparked the sudden activity?

1-21-2017 Newshound Guru loop ‘’Rafidain Bank confirms the grant in the 10 million dinars for employees to Card Holders” Rafidian is working overtime on strategies to get the citizens to start using the banking system and feel safe doing so.

1-21-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Iraq opens the door to possibilities deletion of zeros from the local currency” Context is important: “the rumors about the Iraqi dinar at risk and prone to degradation and decline in comparison with other currencies as dollar, is not true,” adding that “Msatralih dinar fully and that in progress.” What he’s trying to do is convince the critics that the dinar isn’t at risk or in decline, his response to that criticism is that there are plans in place to strengthen the dinar, at the minimum, the dinar’s MCP should be within 2%, not the 9% that it currently is today.