Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-21-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-21-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-21-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …bank contacts we have with one of the major banks and with people we get to talk to occasionally…what we’re hearing from that individual who is getting information from a corporate person – is saying stay tuned for anything for us – talking about us…to go between now and Saturday…this is what I’m being told that everything is good to go and it seems like they finally have everything ready and there is activity now where there wasn’t before…

1-21-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Not much news on the RV front…a number of military contacts think it is still in play and we are in the thick of it…There is still great chatter out of Iraq that they are moving forward…and also from Vietnam. So no matter what happens…they are still moving forward with their revaluations.

1-20-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “DELETING ZEROS OR PRINTING A NEW CATEGORY?” .. THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT’S OPTIONS TO SAVE THE DINAR FROM COLLAPSE” What new currency is there to print? We know the lower denominations are already printed. No, they are not yet at the banks as you don’t just given money to the banks for nothing. They must purchase the new denominations from the CBI. Yes, there are some already purchased in very limited supply. So some banks so already have them.

1-20-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick and Frank26 They finished. They found the sweet spot. They collected enough of the three zeros. We believe over 40 trillion extra. They are very happy with what they have as far as their numbers – the counts of the notes…we sense a rush to this process…they’ll meet this coming Saturday. They’re putting together the poster-boards to show to the citizens…This coming Saturday they are making their final decisions…

1-20-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] We were under the impression that Iraq had read their budget…our understanding is they did read the budget 3 times …We did not get confirmed whether that made it into the “official” record or it may have made it into the official record and just held back so we did not see it – because if we had seen it – it would release the actual value of the Iraqi Dinar … it looks like the budget was passed – it looks like they have a new rate – was supposed to go up on Sunday night to be traded internationally – I cannot tell you absolutely that happened…

1-20-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AFTER THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES…THE DEVALUATION OF THE DINAR “PREPARES” FOR NEW PROBLEMS FOR THE IRAQIS” Quote: “IT FORMED A NEGATIVE IMPRESSION ON THE INVESTMENT SECTOR, so that IRAQ HAS BECOME A REPELLENT ENVIRONMENT FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT.” …this article tells me they must raise the rate of the dinar against the dollar very soon or they will never rebuild their economy. We know the main reason they did this was to pay off their outstanding debt…

1-20-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Did you hear Issac news on RV front? Any day now…I hear we should look to this weekend.] That is very possible…I have a number of people who say the US dollar will reset on Jan. 27th. This is including somebody in the finance ministry in Iraq who believes we will see the new values around the 27th.

1-20-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We have some optimism on the Budget side, namely: Articles: “Barzani’s party affirms guaranteeing Kurdistan’s share of the budget: “No obstacles” so far”; “Parliamentary Finance: The budget will be ready next week” If the Kurds weren’t happy with their share, there would be a problem with HCL. This says the opposite – all in agreement, ready to go next week, and that says to me: Let’s go HCL! …GO RRRRVVVVV!!!

1-20-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …they already told us in many previous articles that they have already collected substantial amounts of the currency and that electronic banking is now effective in every major city. We also know that limited amounts of the newer lower denominations are in fact already printed. …do not give up on the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. It will be reinstated when the corruption both in Iraq and in the US is dealt with and things settle down…

1-20-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick and Frank26 IOO they are finished with the tally. They are finished collecting the 3 zeros and they are happy with the results. The CBI is very pleased with the note count…this Saturday coming up they will continue to meet…It is our opinion that they are now going to talk about the new small category notes [NSCNs]…the topics they’re covering are – how they are going to present it to the public. Which ones because they may not come out with all the categories/denominations at the beginning. The value. In other words the exchange rate. The note count that is to be distributed – how much are we going to be putting out into the streets. They will continue the distribution of these notes even as they bring in the 3 zero notes before, during and after this whole process. There seems to be a mad rush to do this. We believe they brought in another 40 Trillion 3 zero notes.

1-20-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 the budget itself is about to come out. Now, if they come out with the budget, it’s exposed. It goes into the gazette and everyone will be able to see what the rate is…the exchange rate is not waiting on the budget. The budget is waiting on the exchange rate and now we see the budget ready to be released for the 3rd reading.