Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-20-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-20-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-20-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat You all want to know what is holding up the Iraq dinar reinstatement? …We have heard the paperwork is all completed, the approvals given. Even the codes to release the funds necessary for the exchanges to take place are out. Yet…here we sit still waiting. …So the excuse given once again? We are hearing that it is once again…a matter of “National Security” as the NSA stopped the final trigger. As they have done so many times in the past. I am certainly not one to call the RV every day or every weekend but I know without a shadow of a doubt that this time it was supposed to go. Yes, it was planned for…Jan 19th 2019 exact timing unknown. The Central Bank of Iraq is reporting that “this is getting old” and that something must be done. They need their currency to move ahead with the reconstruction funding payments…

1-20-2019 Newshound Guru Kirk H. Sowell So another parliament session with cabinet votes not on the schedule. The deadlock continues.

1-19-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 2014 Article: “IRAQI DINAR REVALUATION POSTPONED BY CENTRAL BANK FOR 5 YEARS SAYS MP NOURA AL-BAJARI” This article shows us two things: 1)that the policy to delete the zeros is now ready to go by 2014 (remember in 2008-2011 they were NOT ready.) So what has changed? All the efforts of banking and financial reforms under Abadi, I quote from the article – “THE POLICY TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY IS READY TO BE EXECUTED BY THE CENTRAL BANK“ 2) it shows us that the ISIS invasion in 2014 postponed the project even tough the CBI was ready. They projected a 5 year wait afterwards to do it. This brings us to 2019. Right? I quote from the article – “Central Bank although it will be delayed by five years given the political and security situation of Iraq.”

1-19-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I try to tell people that the CBI needs to make money. A RV or RI could never happen because it circumvents those CBI principals. A float not only is a tool to relieve pressure created by an influx of investment capital it serves as a tool for the CBI to make money (commission) off the buy/sell of the dinar as it rises. The CBI would never give up such a step as it needs to generate revenue. The…RV or RI stories are nonsense. There is no overnight event…

1-19-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready Still no budget, but that will not hold up the RV. They are completely separate. In fact, it would be easier on the budget if the RV happened first. It would make equipment purchases from Europe and the US more economical.

1-19-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …The article a source brought me…shows the heat is on and the pressure is building to get the 2019 budget done and the citizens what to expect within that budget and what they want from all the promises they have been given. I had my source and another source confirm that the citizens have been told in the Mosques that they were to expect this to have been done on or around the 4/5th of this month and then, no go. …Well, I / We believe they were placated…about the basket of currencies being too low, thus, they may have used that information to tell the citizens to sit tight, as we are going to adjust the basket and you’ll get more purchase power in the end.

1-19-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The source…At first…said we are going to be happy this Saturday… What was asked of him on a scale of 1-10 how good is the news coming to the citizens? A 10 was the answer…Next week being a 10 on the scale is huge for us… lets add in the additional data [Guru] Delta brought in with the URGENT MEASURES and FORCED to FLOAT Currency and just in on the 2019 Budget ready for approval this evening, this place we are in is very nice! If they are getting FORCED into a float? Awesome is better than nice! imo So lets see if this weekend turns out as good, as I think it can be.