Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-16-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I knew this was coming…people are really happy about the Biden Administration coming in there. China is one. Russia is another. Iran is the other. Video “Iran to U.S – Lift sanctions immediately”. Oh trust me they’re dancing. The 3rd term of Obama administration – [Iran is saying] ‘glory hallelujah. We’re gonna get some money and nuclear bomb and we get to terrorize the whole Middle East.’ So much for peace in the Middle East…There could be a benefit from this. And what is that benefit? …Yes the Iranian Rial…as soon as those sanctions are lifted this really will help their economy out. It was crippled. It was just about dead. Trump had him up against the ropes. Now these people are going to give him a reprieve…No sanctions. Strong economy. Strong Rial…

1-15-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …I think I have somewhat of a time line for us…We knew…(Wednesday) was supposed to be the day for the 3rd reading of the budget was accomplished …the theory is in that 3rd reading is that they need 3 readings for any law to go through to be voted on – in Parliament – to let that law stand – and to be enacted…Now I do not know – It has not been confirmed to me whether that did occur yesterday – but the reason it is significant is because of the rate – for the budget to be accurate – the rate for the dinar needs to be in that budget…because we can “see” the rate – in their budget…Friday or Saturday – [FRIDAY] is the 15th or Saturday the 16th is when the Iraqi Dinar rate is supposed to be increased – or “changed”…I feel like the end is near – we can see the tape in the distance – hopefully only about 5 days off – so we’ll see let’s see what happens…

1-15-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat STATUS OF REINSTATEMENT… There is not much to say about the reinstatement today. We know that when they pass the 2021 budget and then begin to spend it at a program rate, we will not see the reinstatement at the newly pegged rate as we have gone past the point of inclusion into the fiscal year of accounting. This is per Finance Committee and the Central Bank. Their words not mine.

1-15-2021 Guest Guru Texas Snake [via PDK] …WF Banker was able to share that I can almost spit over the finish line…I am more comfortable that we are a go very shortly.

1-15-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are not seeing any changes of value in Asia, Iraq, the middle east…yet. But, keep the faith…we are awfully close.

1-15-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff …It’s probably been two or three weeks. This old article had talked about Iraq devaluing their currency from December 20th. It stressed that the currency devaluation had to be short-term because it negatively impacts their economy and it does spike their inflation. New Article: “Parliamentary finance resolves the controversy and reveals the fate of the dollar exchange rate in the budget” Quote: “the central bank is the only body that has the authority and is able to change or return the exchange rate.” They’re telling you that in this gentleman’s opinions he believes they are going to increase the exchange rate or adjust it after the approval of the budget…they can’t keep the currency devalued for too long. I told you it was a 90-day preparation step and that it basically gave you the revaluation date…