Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-18
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-18
1-16-2019 Intel Guru RayRen98 Contracts are to be funded by February 5, 2019. [Could this be the outside date?] PM Mahdi sent out a tweet stating that he is moving onward with implementing the program for government that was presented to Parliament and intends to complete it within the time frame that was previously announced. It appears he is making promises to the Iraqi citizens.
1-16-2019 Newshound Guru Daytrader A number of members have expressed concern over a statement regarding an IMF Article IV consultation not occurring until later this year. This is Iraq’s normal Article IV consultation schedule. Most countries have an Article IV consultation with the IMF every 24 months, including the United States. It provides an opportunity for both the IMF and the country to discuss specifically where the country might have monetary policy or procedural shortcomings that need correction, and review what they’re doing that meets Article IV criteria.
1-16-2019 Newshound Guru Daytrader All that happens as the result of the consultation is agreement on a plan of action to make any necessary corrections. There is no failure, only a plan of action to rectify concerns. Iraq and the IMF have been planning the reinstatement of the IQD for a very long time, and during this time they continued to develop and fine-tune the process specific to Iraq’s needs. IMO this has nothing to do with nor will it have any impact on what we seek.
1-15-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Question: When will the 3 Zeros be DELETED? The CBI will only complete the project to delete the zeros until the CBI and the finance committee can come together on an agreement as to when to do it. Then we hope nothing changes their mind in the meantime since scheduled. We are not waiting for the economy to take off or for reconstruction to first happen. I know for a FACT that the reinstatement is part of the condition by the IMF to release reconstruction funds. This was a plan from 2018-2022 so it already late. They need to know that the funds are secure and will be used for this purpose. …This is what makes this past May 2018 election so important. Investors and the IMF want technocratic cabinet members who are honestly going to move Iraq forward. No more playing games. They don’t care how long it takes. They will not budge until the government is fully formed and Iran is out of the politics to a point they can no longer harm the process.
1-15-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Central Bank cancels a 2% commission payment for the $20 category and less” Well well.. Now why in the world would they cancel 2% commission on relatively small category notes of foreign currency? …The CBI is doing this for a reason and I suspect it is for a very good reason. As in they are going to have similar small notes that have more value therefore, they will have to exchange similar notes on a daily basis.. So imo, this is huge…imo.
1-15-2019 Newshound Guru tlm724 [I read…that we need article 8 from the imf before Iraq can reval, is there any truth to this?] Yes there is truth in that.
1-15-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If you go back and read some of the transition documents…from the IMF it fits right in line with the plan we see evolving in Iraq. I also encourage anyone who has not yet reviewed the IMF Article IV Consultation from 2013 and 2017 to go…and review this information. It also fits in line with what we are seeing evolve in Iraq.
1-15-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Question: So what happens to the currency in circulation and the currency that was printed but never circulated when this takes place? Does the value go down? e.g. 25,000 notes become worth only 25 dollars? If they delete three 0’s 1 dinar would be worth 0.85 cents as of today.