Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-15-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-15-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-15-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff …It’s probably been two or three weeks. This old article had talked about Iraq devaluing their currency from December 20th. It stressed that the currency devaluation had to be short-term because it negatively impacts their economy and it does spike their inflation. New Article: “Parliamentary finance resolves the controversy and reveals the fate of the dollar exchange rate in the budget” Quote: “the central bank is the only body that has the authority and is able to change or return the exchange rate.” They’re telling you that in this gentleman’s opinions he believes they are going to increase the exchange rate or adjust it after the approval of the budget…they can’t keep the currency devalued for too long. I told you it was a 90-day preparation step and that it basically gave you the revaluation date…

1-15-2021 Newshound Guru NORV [aka Kaperoni] You wasting your time if you think the dinar will RV. Never happen and Iraq is broke. They are devaluing the dinar, not raising the value. It could take years before Iraq passes the laws and creates a suitable investment climate that they could raise the value. Not to mention they have over 40 trillion dinar outside the banks in Iraq know as “chunky” money…

1-14-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff The U.S. elections have nothing to do with the rate change. I just want to stress that…Iraq has already achieved stability. They’re now in forward motion to change the rate.

1-14-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “OBLIGING BANKS TO LEND TO SMALL BUSINESSES” Quote: “allocate amounts of their liquidity of at least 50 percent as soft loans to build industry and agriculture, encourage the establishment of factories and factories”. Is this not what they have been attempting to do all along for years now. But they could not since the public did not want to deposit the dinars in the banks. So it appears the strategy of collecting the dinars has worked and the funds are now available to loan out. This will help kick-start the economy, something that is needed.

1-14-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [It would be a great week for an RV] Yes it would. I am expecting a few quiet days then an action-packed weekend [Will we be seeing a Golden Egg soon?] I am hearing we are in the final days and things will be playing out quickly.

1-14-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Parliamentary finance resolves the controversy and reveals the fate of the dollar exchange rate in the budget” They keep talking about the exchange rate. You have one side of the puzzle piece saying they need to devalue…they need to figure out what to do to just get by…I do not anticipate it being devalued very long…sometime in the 2nd and 3rd quarter I anticipate we will start seeing in increments IMO the increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar…

1-14-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff One of the signs we were looking for to know we were getting close to the RV…we were looking for them to reduce the amount of U.S. dollars auctioned off off at the auctions. That has been achieved. Article: “By more than three quarters …a “significant” decline in central bank sales” They used to auction off hundreds of millions as of this morning they’ve only auctioned off 3 million 250000 US dollars…we are looking very good.

1-14-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 We told you…they needed this past Friday and this coming Friday – these two weeks – to do a tally. To add up how many 3 zero notes they got in. I’d like to say to you they are done…What happened in the first week of January and the second week of January was for them to take account, a tally, and see if they reached the sweet spot…because they reached the sweet spot they all of a sudden come out and start to talk about the U.S. dollar going down tremendously in the auctions of the CBI…How many dollars were put through the auction yesterday and today? Nothing! That’s exactly what we want to hear.

1-14-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 That’s number one. 2. They all of a sudden are talking about the budget. What about the budget? ‘Well we’re putting in a new rate in it based on the fact that oil prices have gone up.’ 3. ‘We promise citizens of Iraq we are going to do another exchange rate and this one is going to be higher. We promise you!” Well golly I mean talk about the U.S. dollar getting out of here. Running out of 3 zero notes. Talking about the budget being approved and it’s got a new rate because of the oil prices and now they promised them on television, ‘Hey Iraqi citizens we promise there’s another rate change coming.’

1-14-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] There are things happening to prepare us for our ability to start – there may be one additional thing from the President that we’re looking for but I am not sure what it is…Some things have to play out – regarding President Trump – I know there is more to come from our President – I know that there are things that are planned and will manifest in the next week or so – The story is not over – let me put it that way – This story is not over yet – we are waiting – we are ready – most of us are really ready…