Iraqi al-Maliki accused again of trying to establish a culture of subversion of the Constitution

Iraqi al-Maliki accused again of trying to establish a culture of subversion of the Constitution

15/02/2012 12:14

Baghdad, February 15 (Rn) – accused the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, Wednesday, reiterated Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of trying to establish a culture of subversion of the Constitution by refusing to ratify the requests for some provinces required to establish the region, noting that the statements of Prime Minister latest from the regions where constitutional violation is clear. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said during his visit to the province of Basra, said composition of the regions at the present time can not because it will contribute to ignite sectarian strife between the sons of the country. A spokesman for the Iraqi List Haider Mulla, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the breach constitutional and clear in this statement, “noting that” we are surprised that the Salah ad Din province in its current and limits administrative move from province to province, where is the problem in that. ” and called on Mullah “for everyone to respect the Constitution,” noting that the claims of the sons of the provinces, “did not come out of the blue It came after the suffering of the iron fist of the Government of the center they used their constitutional right. ” accused “of describing the composition of the regions the action is unconstitutional to establish the culture of” subversion of the Constitution. ” The political scene in Iraq, a new crisis are claims of some provinces, the establishment of regions including the Declaration of the provinces of Salahuddin and Diyala provinces economically and administratively protest against the marginalization and arrest procedures, ablation, and the threat of the governorates of Anbar, Basra, Mosul claim to take a similar step in the event of failure to meet the demands and provision of services.Analysts believe that the establishment of provinces in Iraq reinforces sectarian differences because of the nature of cities in terms of sectarian and others say that he provided to enhance security . Iraqi law allows formation regions of the province in the country or more according to the mechanisms provided for in the Constitution, and exists in the territory of Iraq is one of the country’s northern Kurdistan region. of weigh-Shammari, the Open: Magda Optimizer