Iraq was subjected to a lot of financial blackmail after 2003 and we have alternatives for U.S. protection for our money


Revealed the Iraqi Planning Ministry, on Sunday, for “subordination” Iraq for many “blackmail” Finance after 2003, and showed that the government gained a lot of suits brought by private companies, while revealed the existence of alternatives to protect Iraqi funds in the United States after the end of American protection in the current year.


He said Iraqi Planning Minister Ali Shukri conference gathered a delegation from the World Bank in the ministry building and attended (range Press), “The circumstances and occupation that Iraq has passed through after 2003 made him subject to a lot of blackmail on the debt of the former regime and the Iraqi government know that there are a lot of demands is realism and lawsuits filed, “adding that” in a lot of cases that have been prosecuted those who brought mostly from the private sector and the government earned those issues. “


In response to a question about the fate of Iraqi funds deposited in U.S. banks, which extended Washington protected from claims jurisdiction until fairly present world, the Minister of Planning said that “a lot of alternatives exist to the government to protect Iraqi funds in the United States,” explaining that “can not be advertised because they in the corridors of the Council of Ministers did not end the Council prepared formula eventually. “


The Iraqi government unveiled last June, received a letter from the Government of the United States of America include consent to extend the “protection and immunities Extraordinary of Iraqi funds Development Fund for Iraq until the month of May of 2013.”


The extension provides protection of Iraqi funds deposited in this fund, protect them from any lawsuits and fake or genuine by companies or individuals, it also provides real support of the Central Bank of Iraq and the funds deposited its oil revenues, which represents President supplier to the country’s budget.


It is noteworthy that U.S. President Barack Obama has signed last May an executive order to extend immunity to Iraqi funds in the Development Fund for Iraq, known for a year due to the state of “national emergency”, and keep the Iraqi funds, estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars, are protected as far as provided by U.S. laws usual of protection in such circumstances.


Iraq had last year formed committees with the task of retrieving Iraqi funds in a number of countries after the adoption of the law retrieval of Iraqi funds abroad by the House of Representatives.