Iraq: rumors of forgery signatures of our representatives pathetic and ridiculous and a session to withdraw confidence
Iraq: rumors of forgery signatures of our representatives pathetic and ridiculous and a session to withdraw confidence and will prove to be the deciding factor Slaptna
Saturday June 2, 2012
Sumerian News / Baghdad
accused the Iraqi List, Friday, views “known loyalty” of trying to interfere with citizens to talk about fraud signatures of Congress list in favor of withdrawal of confidence from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, as considered these rumors as pathetic and ridiculous, confirmed that the meeting of the Council of Representatives of the Ad Hoc So will be the deciding factor, and will prove beyond doubt hardened Iraqi MPs and its allies. said the official spokesman for the Iraqi MP Maysoon al in a statement obtained by “Alsumaria News”, a copy of it, that “the points of known loyalty is trying to interfere with citizens through broadcast rumors of forgery signatures of deputies the coalition in Iraq to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, for violating the Constitution and failing to provide security and services and the achievement of national partnership. ” and added that “such rumors pathetic and ironic, because the coalition in Iraq does not need such practices, as the Iraqi MPs loyal to their parents and their principles have already demonstrated tenacity in front of temptations and threats, and have made enormous sacrifices for the cause of their people fair and national project, which had been elected by the masses for, “she said. She Damluji that “the meeting of the Council of Representatives allocated to the no-confidence will be the deciding factor, and will prove beyond doubt hardness Congress Iraq and the allies of the national forces of good, “according to its expression. A spokesman for the Iraqi list Haider Mulla denied in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, Friday, and there is no fraud in the signatures collected by the withdrawal of confidence from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, noting that accusations of fraud from by the deputies in Kirkuk, an attempt to protect “the dictator is dying politically and President Jalal Talabani briefed on the mechanisms for collecting signatures on the withdrawal of confidence from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. noteworthy that the House of Representatives Arabs of the Iraqi province of Kirkuk, accused on Thursday, (31 May 2012) , the leaders of the Iraqi List, the “treason” and forging signatures of deputies to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, while underlining that the collection of the signatures came with the support of one Kurdish parties, called the sons of Arab nationalism to the “intifada” on Iraq. In a striking development of the political crisis called for leader Sadr Muqtada al-Sadr on Friday (June 1, 2012), to hold a referendum to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, while the condition of the participation of all the official and public in and under the supervision of independent organizations, stressed the need for education for the referendum and not against him, while pointing out that alternative-Maliki in the event of withdrawal of confidence from it will be from the National Alliance exclusively, indicating that all political forces believe so. considered the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, Sadr’s call, evidence that the withdrawal of confidence has become a requirement “popular”, and in affirming that the project confidence requirement ” Shia before the Sunni or Kurdish “, she noted that a coalition of law began to deal with the issue realistically. comes Sadr’s call after hours to detect the governor of Nineveh province ethyl Najafi, on Thursday (31 May 2012), that the number of deputies who signed the no-confidence of al-Maliki so far exceeded the required quorum, stressing that, including deputies of the National Alliance, in what was considered the leader of the coalition of state law Mohammed Chihod, that the modern governor of Nineveh province reminds us of the “dictatorship of Saddam,” stressing that the project adopted by the regional countries and made money for him, as called the Sadrists not to be dragged behind the project. and previously was called, the first on Wednesday (30 May 2012), the political blocs to collect 124 votes in the Iraqi parliament, vowing to complete the 164 for the withdrawal of confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, was charged with the Dawa Party, to reject all reforms. and heads of government, Nouri al-Maliki and the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari and the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, on Friday (June 1 current), working to overcome the current crisis, after studying the papers of meetings of Erbil, Najaf, while underlining the need to maintain commitments and communicate with all political forces . considered the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, on Thursday (31 May last), that the issue of withdrawal of confidence from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has become by virtue of unresolved, and in affirming that the political movement now talking about the stage later, she noted that the issue of collection of signatures completed in late night the day before yesterday, while the considered mass white, that the withdrawal of confidence destruction of the political process, calling on leaders to review the positions and creating new patterns of political relations. and ended in (27 last May), out this week identified by the meeting held at the home of al-Sadr leaders for the Iraqi List and the Kurdistan Alliance in (19 last May), to provide an alternative to Maliki, to no avail, while the re-political blocs meeting in Arbil, where she held the Iraqi List and the Sadr movement in the presence of President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani meeting, in (29 last May), to be held after President Jalal Talabani, meeting, first Wednesday, (30 last May) in the city of Sulaimaniya with the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi and President of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq in the presence of representative of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, emphatic Talabani, his commitment to the obligations incumbent by the Constitution. The country is witnessing a political crisis confirms some observers to be on the rise in the unit of the differences between the political blocs, having transformed from a difference between the Iraqi List and the rule of law to the difference in the latter with the Kurdistan Alliance and the Sadr movement and other movements and parties.
Source: alsumarianews