Iraq must get out of Chapter VII

2/28/2012 6:59 PM
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Iraqi Parliamentary Foreign Relations Commission today called  the international community to play greater role in removing Iraq from UN Security Council’s Chapter VII and adopting a clear stand to support its legitimate issues, according to a statement.

 The statement added that the Commission today received a delegation from the British Embassy in Baghdad.
 During the meeting, the Commission called upon Britain to play a role in assisting Iraq get out of Chapter VII in order to have its pioneering role in the Arab world and the region.
 Iraq is subject to Chapter VII of UN Charter following its invasion of Kuwait in 1990, where force was used against it as it was “threatening world peace.”
 This led to freezing Iraqi assets in world banks to pay compensations to Kuwait and others.
 On the other hand, the statement added that the Commission along with a delegation from the International Energy Agency discussed the oil situation in Iraq and its legislations in order to have a complete study on oil in Iraq.
 It is expected that the details of such visit will be published in Agency’s annual report on world energy estimations of 2012 next October.