Iraq announces the issuance of (construction) bonds in the financial market and determines the benefits for investors and residents

Iraq announces the issuance of (construction) bonds in the financial market and determines the benefits for investors and residents

2021-10-01 08:24

Iraq announces the issuance of construction bonds in the financial market and determines the benefits for investors and residentsShafaq News/ The Ministry of Finance announced the Public Debt Department on Friday that it, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq, issued construction bonds that are tradable in the stock market, with the guarantee of the ministry.

According to the categories of bonds offered for trading:

1- A class bond (500000) five hundred thousand dinars with an annual interest of 6% for a period of two years.

2- A bond of category (1000000) one million dinars with an interest of 7% for a period of 4 years.

A statement issued by the ministry today, received by Shafak News Agency, indicated that the public wishing to purchase can submit their requests through authorized banks.

The ministry called on all investors and citizens to take advantage of this investment opportunity, because of its returns in favor of the borrower (the investor) and for the entire national economy.

She pointed out that the process of trading these bonds comes in accordance with the plans and mechanisms of the process of financial sustainability and improvement, in addition to the positive economic effects represented in raising the levels of economic activities for various sectors and enhancing the availability of broad development opportunities.

And in the context of implementing the paragraphs of the comprehensive financial and economic reform plans within the adoptions of the white paper, and in implementation of the financial and monetary policy development programs in Iraq, according to the statement.