Iraq announces raising its production capacity of gasoline to 4 million liters per day

Iraq announces raising its production capacity of gasoline to 4 million liters per day

2021-06-12 04:46

Iraq announces raising its production capacity of gasoline to 4 million liters per dayShafaq News/ Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar announced on Saturday adding one million liters to the production capacity of gasoline, bringing it to 4 million liters per day.

This came during the opening ceremony of the gasoline improvement units “Al-Azra” and hydrogen production at the Dora refinery in Baghdad, according to a statement issued by the ministry today.

The Minister of Oil stressed the importance of the refining sector, which is one of the most important pillars of the national economy through the production and provision of fuel of all kinds to citizens and other service sectors.

The two gasoline improvement units “Azra” operate with a capacity of ten thousand barrels per day, and hydrogen production with a capacity of four thousand barrels per day.

The minister pointed out the importance of these projects in providing large financial returns in support of the economy, by increasing the national production of fuels, which directly contribute to covering part of the local need and reducing the proportion of foreign imports, as well as the distinction of the new units as they conform to international standards in health and safety. And environmentally friendly.

Ismail said that these projects will add the production of one million liters of gasoline per day to the refinery’s production, to rise to four million liters per day, noting that the ministry is implementing an ambitious program aimed at reducing the percentage of fuel imports by 50% before the end of this year, leading to its suspension. In 2023, after the inauguration of a number of important projects in this vital sector, praising the efforts of workers in the liquidation sector in our oil companies and the parties supporting them by implementing and installing a number of production units despite the economic, financial and health challenges.

In turn, the Undersecretary for Liquidation Affairs Hamid Younis said that these projects come within the ministry’s plans to increase production of fuel and improve its quality, and that the coming period will witness the addition of new quantities to the national production from other refineries.

While the Director General of the Central Refineries Company, Aid Imran, praised the support and follow-up of officials in the ministry, and work to overcome all the obstacles that were impeding the completion of projects.