Iraq among the top 10 countries in the world of natural resources
Iraq among the top 10 countries in the world of natural resources
BAGHDAD / JD / .. counting experts and there is Iraq as part of a list of the top 10 countries in natural resources globally and occupation of rank ninth is encouraging investment if they took advantage of those resources properly, especially in relation to gas, phosphate, provided that the amended investment law and the disposal of part of the financial resources in the development of those resources to be less than ten years among the top industrialized nations in the Middle East. The expert in natural resources, geological Osama al-Maliki in an interview / JD / that “it is not strange that a state that contains in its territory, 11% of the world’s oil reserves and 9% of the phosphate to be among the top ten countries in natural resources,” he said, but “surprisingly in this report that there are natural resources in Iraq has not accounted for because there are 3,000 bn m 3 of natural gas, almost, and large amounts of red mercury, sulfur, iron, report type Iraq only for the possession of oil, phosphate, and this is to make Iraq be ranked ninth from the list, “and noted that” the Iraq if they took advantage of the 400-site hydrocarbon that have not been excavated yet will be in the coming years in the advanced rank of this category “to the said economic expert, Dr. Zahra Al-Saad said in an interview to / JD / that” this report and the two sides of the deal, the first being that it gives boost and influential on the reality of investment in Iraq, as the wealth of existing, if used properly with the amendment to the Investment Law which is controlled by bureaucratic administrative and overlapping of powers between central and local governments of the provinces, Iraq is will be one of the largest industrialized countries in the Middle East this after the exchange part of the proceeds of such resources on developing oil and gas industry as well as the agriculture sector, “adding,” But the flip side, it reveals how the economic downturn happening in the country All countries that are reporting no the unemployment rate exceeds 16% in addition to the proportion of workers do not reach their working hours to the minimum 8 hours and reach their percentage to 30% in addition to high rates of poverty for up to 11% and that Iraq has a GDP unanimous equivalent purchasing power, estimated at 125.655 billion and per capita estimated at 3.8 dollars and this is very small compared to the wealth possessed by Iraq, which makes the government in nothing wrong with where the country’s resources and where the disposal of his money and these ask him must have answers to the size of wealth and natural materials discovered “The report prepared by the Wall Street 24/7 showed that Saudi Arabia and Iraq come under the list of the top ten countries highest degrees of natural resources in the world. Saudi Arabia was ranked third in the world in the list, where it was possible to estimate the value of its natural resources, which consist mainly of oil and gas at about 34.4 trillion dollars. The resources of Iraq amounts to about 15.9 trillion worth of oil and gas, phosphate, and was ranked ninth. Russia was the first prize worth an estimated 75.7 trillion dollars thanks to the multiple resources, especially oil and gas, forestry, as befell the United States ranked second with 45.55 trillion dollars. Was calculated as the value of the natural resources of the 10 goods and natural resources the most valuable, an oil and gas, coal, forests and «timber», gold, silver, copper, uranium, iron ore and phosphate. Finished / q. P /.
Source: dananernews