Hassan Al-Alawi: not for the wisdom of President Talabani of Iraq was the biggest crises

“Talabani wisdom tent in Iraq,”
Hassan Al-Alawi: not for the wisdom of President Talabani of Iraq was the biggest crises

04:14:07 / 06/2012

Khandan – Soran Karim face of the independent MP and thinker Iraqi Hassan Al-Alawi in an exclusive interview with “Khandan” harsh criticism of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, expressing his belief in the survival of Maliki in power, both drew out a trust or not to withdraw, even if it necessitated it a Kapintin ministries . He also expressed good top is convinced that the reason for the delay to send a letter Talabani to the House of Representatives to withdraw confidence, designed to take into account the public interest, noting that President Mam Jalal is the last Iraqi politician is still alive and the roots of the national movement. Hassan stressed the upper as not for the wisdom of President Talabani, of the vulnerability of Iraq for years to crises, the largest, he said, adding that Talabani tent wisdom in Iraq, and his presence is an essential component of national security and social peace. He said the top as well: “a politician wise, such as President Talabani, taking into account always two main points are: the content of the Constitution and the higher interest of the people, noting that Talabani is currently working to delay the constitutional text for the sake of peace public, private and that Iraq is facing a threat division bloody, stressing that President Talabani is the last Iraqi politician is still alive and its roots date back to the national movement.This is the text interview conducted by “Khandan” with the MP and thinker Hassan Al-Alawi: – The collection of signatures of members of the House of Representatives to withdraw confidence from Maliki, but did not send the request to the House of Representatives so far, what is the reason? – political sage level of President Jalal Talabani, I always take two things into account, the constitutional text and the public interest, which there postpone the constitutional text or Amddh for civil peace and public benefit, the country is now threatened with division bloody, Jalal Talabani, is the last remaining in the Iraqi political arena alive of those who have roots national movement which in the the monarchy and saw the National Front and the Front National Union and other fronts, though I can add that with humility my name is on their side for the Arabs, either at the level of the Iraqi nation the whole, President Jalal Talabani is only now coming from the strain of the Iraqi National Movement, and I’m with him, because the man is thinking in this dimension of heritage, not beating the drums do not hear the drums, this guy despite the many critics, like his presence and the presence of President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, who is said in his time that has no role and the role of protocols, but Ahoudna what happened to Iraq after Bakr, when he collapsed, wisdom and took control of aggressive spirit and entered Iraq Bhrot ended with the fall of the regime and the execution of the regime. I say that Iraq after the end of President Talabani could face the same situation faced by Iraq after Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, the man tent wisdom and his presence is a key component of national stability and the peaceful and social, so I give him the right to postpone the Send Book of confidence or not to send, or have looking for another solution, perhaps the solution is useful and this is not the powers of the President protocols, but are an important national leader, a man acting as national leader and not as President of the Republic, which calls now that the sign on Freddie The Freddie that , even listened Talabani to the side of the two sides to upset the balance of Iraq for years, but Talabani if hit a storm, it does not vibrate and the wind does not compromises, and these attributes national leader, the duration of Allah in his life even extends its peace and safety. either side on the question of voting on confidence, the reason for the crisis of Iraq’s major is that the majority influential in the Iraqi decision and political action coming from the presser underground organizations and revolutionary unanimously, I’m coming from portholes Baath Party, the Communist Party is coming from the portholes of the Communist Party, Jalal Talabani, coming from portholes national movement, as well as to President Barzani, it comes from a revolutionary party was put Kalashnikov over his shoulder, the son of Mr. Hakim is the heir of the movement called the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, and so the prime minister is the secretary-general of the Dawa party, a party a secret and revolutionary, how can To those revolutionaries to understand their in a moment of moment of constitutional system and Haata a liberal like the life of the British example, and French nationals who knew the parliamentary life since (300) years.  point is this, the mentality that runs the country is the mentality of a revolutionary and laws governing are the laws of a liberal, there is a conflict between the law and the curriculum, so this social enters in sociology and political science revolutions, and not subject personally, because any person who is in place al-Maliki, will happen the same case, which comes to power after him will act the same way and the same mentality, and the next government will be better, because it will be of the same political class, and I see there confusion, ought to have a program to form a new ministry to put a statement, what the project provided by the people and that in light of people voted him in light of the government fell, Who are the men of the next phase who will come, if the subject on Maliki, he was not working alone, there with him a full and with all the political blocs participating in the government, not only in the government. but there are points of accusing him of dictatorship? – this is the nature of mind revolutionary, and I sacrificed a social law, they do not understand that we have a Prime Minister can be elected, but at the same time can to withdraw confidence from it. – if what is the solution, do you bring someone from outside the country? – If the crisis Thus, we have to deal with reality in this way, the Constitution put imagination American West British liberal, and the mind of Iraq can not bear. Do you think amend the Constitution Or we come constitution last? – that the amendment of the Constitution, meaning that the compromise of democracy, and this is not correct to keep the democratic goal and backed by the Constitution to be come the generations, there is generation of a new Iraqi can govern Iraq is better than all those present, the generation that came out during this the last ten years and are aged young people, they saw democracy and free media and rebelled and watched the Arab spring, and how the insurgency-generation youth, the new generation now rapidly to occupy his place in the political arena. – we understand you, and you are member of parliament you will not vote to withdraw confidence from the Maliki ? – I signed a no-confidence, this is a constitutional right and must be Amarsh, and I am convinced my signature, because at the very least should cause shock in Iraqi politics, we must shake the Council of Ministers and the President to wake up the political class and as a lesson to them, signing of a useful, but this does not mean the result that all these impact on demand will vote on a confidence motion in parliament, because there is a difference between the signing of confidence and vote in the parliament, there are many other things, it should not be betting that the number of the signatories are the number of voters, have fewer voting may increase in the parliament. – there are accusations of falsifying signatures, is there a way to falsify? – never, President Talabani checked by the Commission in all the signatures, perhaps the preliminary lists the fraud, because when I came to Arbil was no signature (186) In other words, before me were (185), while there is now (176) a signature, I’m two days ago and signed the request, even though there are spies in the Iraqi List Tell a perimeter prime minister that Hassan Al-Alawi insisted that was the first signatories, and this is a lie, because I attended two days ago was not brought meeting has not brought a place to gather signatures, send the signing of my house, and signed it and was taken the driver and went, where this meeting, which I talk about it and asked to be the first signatories. This speech was one of the spies who told the vicinity of al-Maliki.  – how will the end of the subject of withdrawal of confidence? – If the event and helped the circumstances complex and difficult to hold a hearing no confidence, will see the chamber a bloody battle, will be announced to postpone the hearing at one point, and will come out of the House and bleeding them, and therefore not meeting the first no-confidence, and even if held, it may happen what happens after the first session , but I am a man in this age, you will not Attend the first session of no confidence, because my body does not assume to be a “bag of boxing.” What is your message to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister in this circumstance, what do you want to say to them? – I sent a letter to Mr. Maliki, I do not think there is importance to the tips, if its importance in changing the paths of people, we had how many daily Aluaaúz in Friday sermons and Aluaaúz in television channels, the preaching of the political does not help anyone, because the creature Iraq’s political personality has a full, every one has a personality and location, so it is a shame in this life can offer advice to one or preacher one of those, I’d like someone who speaks in a cemetery (the Valley of Peace) extended in Najaf. As for President Talabani, Vsaltaki him soon in Sulaymaniyah, and tell him what I said to you in this the interview. Do you expect to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister, Awsabaky in office? – both withdrew confidence or did not withdraw, al-Maliki will remain as prime minister, says political sociology, when he was upon the condition, the Iraqi state revolutionaries who work the Constitution of a liberal. how to remain in office if parliament voted no confidence for? – will in any way, even if formed, and other ministry, and became there are two such as what happened in Lebanon, there was a Ministry of Aoun and the Ministry of Selim Hoss, and will not recognize the process of withdrawal of confidence, so I signed a no-confidence to make a shock to the owners, as you could lose the majority and the loss of the majority means the loss of legitimacy, al-Maliki surrounded by the Diwan of the Council of Ministers do not know the good and will not work good for one, did not Andzoa did not sign the treatment, and they are sectarian to the bone, and did not make room For one, I am a representative for Baghdad, Karada Mariam, which is now called Green Zone, the area for us, I asked al-Maliki to appoint my grandchildren who are engineers in the police intelligence, and agreed to the demand, but threw the transactions in the trash, there are transactions of many made ​​by the Prime Minister to set the poor or to lift the injustice against the oppressed, and I’m a bridge and along the I worked in this area, and did not give my chance as deputy, and this is the cause of revolutions of the al-Maliki, there are those who took Maliki and they Ame and disgust as he said them the Prophet Muhammad: “locks for good and the keys to evil,” This talk is in the My message to the owners.

Source: xendan