Harb: There is no room for the Federal Court to legislate the new law … and surprise the creation of a position in it

Harb: There is no room for the Federal Court to legislate the new law … and surprise the creation of a position in it

03/16/2021 14:27:09

Harb - There is no room for the Federal Court to legislate the new law ... and surprise the creation of a position in it{Politics: Al Furat News} The legal expert, Tariq Harb, considered the creation of a position in the Federal Supreme Court as “a precedent that has not occurred in the history of the court.”

Harb told Al-Furat News that “the midnight session of Parliament was a win-win day for the bloc that created the position of secretary-general of the court that was introduced in the amendment. Therefore, this bloc that won the election law before that by adopting small districts as is the reality of the electoral masses of that political bloc, we must congratulate This bloc with the new position, and thus achieved a de facto victory in the elections, through the adoption of multiple departments, and achieved a new victory by creating the position of Secretary-General of the Supreme Court in relation to the elections.
He added, “The new Supreme Court bill has ended, and there is no room for its legislation, and the amendment to the law in force since 2005, which is still in force constitutionally, will be approved, especially since the issuance of the new court law needs 220 votes, while the amendment to Order 30 of 2005 in force needs only 83 deputies, that is, a simple majority if Parliament has achieved a quorum and we will see that in hours. ”
Harb said, “We ask that the parliament issued hundreds of laws and accepted it by the National Assembly, and did it happen if a law was rejected on the pretext that it contravenes the fundamentals of Islam ?!”
He continued, “The Supreme Court has considered thousands of cases and has not considered a case that includes an appeal due to opposition to a decision or law for contradicting the principles of Islam, and it has not issued a judgment on the basis of violating the principles of Islam.”
He pointed out that “if there is no conflict, disagreement or opponents related to the fundamentals of Islam, as we explained earlier, then why do we create a conflict, quarrel and disagreement when enacting the new court law that includes the involvement of experts in Islamic jurisprudence?”
Harb said, “We are hours away from voting on the law amending the Supreme Court Law promulgated by Order 30 of 2005 in force to date in accordance with Article 130 of the Constitution, which is easy and simple to amend.”
After midnight last night, the House of Representatives held a regular session in which it voted on the articles of the First Amendment Law (Ordinance No. 30 of 2005) the Federal Supreme Court Law, and created two new articles in it: {The court has a general secretary with no less than 10 years of experience in the law and has a degree Deputy Minister and his powers}, and {preserves in the composition of the court the constitutional balance between the components of the Iraqi people}.
It is scheduled that the House of Representatives hold its regular session at exactly six o’clock in the evening Tuesday, in which the vote in general will be on the new law of the Federal Supreme Court or on the amendment of the law The influential,
