Half the Israelis: “Obama was not a friend of Israel.”

Half the Israelis: “Obama was not a friend of Israel.”

01/10/2017 16:58

Half the Israelis - Obama was not a friend of Israel73% of Israelis believe that Israel is able to follow the construction in the settlements, and believes in a minority percentage of 47% is also that Trump will make promises and will transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem

ten days before the end of the mandate of the US President, Barack Obama, suggest data monthly Peace Index the University of Tel Aviv and the Israeli democracy Institute published on Tuesday that half of Israelis (49.5%) believe that Obama was “not a friend” of Israel in the eight years of his tenure.

In contrast, an overwhelming majority believes 69% increase that the treatment of the president – elect, Donald Trump, would be contrary to the former president.
The survey was conducted in the beginning of the year and was attended by 600 people, who constitute a representative sample of Israeli society, and spoke mainly to the events that took place in late December, 2016. As is known, was the most important political event that occurred in that month, is the ratification of the a draft law against the settlements in the United Nations Security Council, and it seems that the Israeli public was not indifferent to them. 53% of Israelis believe that the decision came because of anti-Israel, while a third of Israelis believe that the reason is the principled position under international law.
Similarly, 41% of Israelis believe that the United States avoid the use of the veto in the United Nations was due to strained relations between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Barack Obama. Only 34.5% believed that talking about a principled stand.
Even so, the Israelis do not believe that the treatment of the president-elect, Donald Trump, will be only more friendly toward Israel, but believe that it will support the current Israeli government as well. 73% of Israelis believe that Israel is able to follow the construction in the settlements, and believes in a minority percentage of 47% that Trump will make promises and will transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem.
As is the case in many polls, it is clear from the results of this poll is that most Israelis support the soldier accused of murder, Alaor Azaria, and believed that his trial was not fair. Evidenced by the poll, which was conducted two days before the sentencing, that 57% of Israelis believe that the trial were not fair. I thought a lot of the supporters of the right (90%) that were not needed to prosecute Azaria, while supporters of the left and center believes that his trial was necessary.
