Energy: We asked the government to send the oil law for approval and the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers responded wait

Parliamentary Energy: We asked the government to send the oil law for approval and the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers responded wait

2015/10/4 13:16

Energy - We asked the government to send the oil law for approval and the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers responded wait{Baghdad: Euphrates News} Deputy Chairman of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Ali Fayad said his committee called on the government to send the draft oil and gas law to the parliament for the purpose of voting on it, pointing out that “the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers we received to wait in it.”
Said Fayad told {Euphrates News} today that “oil and gas law is very important is primarily regulates the work between the province and the center”, adding that “the lack of political consensus have prevented the legislation.”
He noted that “we as a committee Energy Government asked to approve this law and send it to Parliament for the purpose of voting on it, but that the secretariat of the Council of Ministers we received slow down in approval, “stressing” waiting for the arrival of law of the Council of Ministers; for the purpose of approval to become a national law.
“The Kurdistan Alliance MP Majid Chenkali has admitted in a statement to {Euphrates News}, the existence of problematic in the oil and gas law caused by the national and Kurdish alliances, demanding the board chairman of the parliament and the heads of political blocs, “to speed up to get to a state of consensus on the controversial, including the laws of the Federal Court Act, which disagreement between the National Alliance and the Kurdistan, in addition to the disputed National Guard Law between the National Alliance and the Union forces.
The oil minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said earlier that the approval of oil and gas law will contribute to the achievement of social justice through the provision of investment opportunities great, and Sacefr differences associated with the adoption of the general budget, adding that the law would give wide latitude for the oil sector; to grow and to implement planned projects Ha.anthy m