Electoral Commission reveal concern due to accusations of fraud in favor of Maliki
Electoral Commission reveal concern due to accusations of fraud in favor of Maliki
17-05-2014 12:13 PM
Crossed the Electoral Commission expressed deep concern and surprise at what he says some politicians questioned the charges against them, the most prominent of silence on the indicators the existence of widespread fraud in favor of the list of Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki. Commission said in a statement today, she expresses surprise questioning some politicians work In spite of all the procedures established by the preventing manipulation voices of voters. described this question as: ‘betrays a failure and weakness in reading the election law as well as the mechanism for the allocation of seats approved by the House of Representatives which is the highest legislative authority in Iraq.’ and added that ‘some of the politicians insisted, With all that taken by the Commission of the measures hailed by the religious authorities, the UN and the Arab League and most of the world, to pursue a policy of miscarriage and involving the Commission in debates and political jockeying, with the aim of sending messages distorted to Iraqi voters who came out and performed Maalém knowing certain that the ballot box is the decisive factor in amount of success, a genuine expression of the will of the voter in the commissioning of representatives in the House of Representatives’.