Documents .. Federal Court confirms the inadmissibility of the referendum

Documents .. Federal Court confirms the inadmissibility of the referendum and obligate the authorities of the unity of Iraq [expanded]

2017/11/6 11:26

Documents .. Federal Court confirms the inadmissibility of the referendum[Ayna-Baghdad]
The Federal Supreme Court announced that there is no text in the Constitution authorizes the separation of any component in Iraq.
The court spokesman Ayas al-Samuk said in a statement received by the agency of all Iraq [where] a copy of it, “The Federal Supreme Court issued in its session today, Monday, a decision to explain article [1] of the Constitution, concluding that this article and other constitutional articles The relationship emphasized the unity of Iraq. ”
He added that “Article [109] of the Constitution obliged all federal authorities to maintain this unit.”
The Samuk that “the Federal Supreme Court went in its decision to the absence of a text in the Constitution allows the separation of any of the components provided for in Article [116] of the Constitution in light of its provisions in force.”
On September 25, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) held a referendum on secession from Iraq and announced that it had won 92% of the vote.
The referendum triggered a severe political crisis between the region and Baghdad, which was strongly opposed to it, and rejected by the international community and regional states, with the exception of a pro-separation Israel.
The federal government carried out its decision to extend security and authority in the disputed areas of Kirkuk and other provinces in agreement with the Peshmerga forces of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), who are in charge of power in the oil-rich province.
And increased international pressure on the region to push the outgoing president – Massoud Barzani to step down and not stay in the post he occupied in 2005 and the distribution of his powers to the President of the provincial government, Nechirvan Barzani and the Parliament of Kurdistan.
Barzani described the decision of the withdrawal of Peshmerga Patriotic Union of Kurdistan – the old opponent – from Kirkuk and other areas on 16 of last month, “treason”.
The Kurdistan government offered the federal government to freeze the results of the referendum and cease fire between the Peshmerga and the security forces and resume dialogue to resolve the crisis.
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi rejected the Kurdish offer and stressed the cancellation and not the freezing of the referendum and the handing over of airports and border crossings before any dialogue.