Deputy: These are the scenarios for voting on the expected budget today

Deputy: These are the scenarios for voting on the expected budget today

3/19/2021 15:04

Deputy - These are the scenarios for voting on the expected budget today[Baghdad-Where]
MP Jamal Fakher, from the Alliance of Walkers, confirmed today, Friday, that the meetings are still continuing, as a meeting is now held between the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the heads of the blocs to resolve the remaining points of contention, indicating that the picture is still blurry and all options are on the table regarding resolving the budget Today, it was postponed, or some of its articles were suspended.
Fakhir said in a press statement, “Today we are present in the House of Representatives waiting for the arrival of the Presidency of the House of Representatives meetings with the heads of parliamentary blocs and the Parliamentary Finance Committee,” indicating that “the picture is still blurry, awaiting the reach of the meetings on the disputed points for the picture to be clear about the scenario that is.” We will carry it forward. ”

Fakher added, “The share of the Kurdistan region and the financial settlement are still the most important obstacle to completing the vote on the budget, in addition to some other paragraphs, the exchange rate of the dollar and the price of a barrel of oil in the budget, which we believe is possible to reach understandings about it that are in the public interest,” noting that ” There are three scenarios that can be obtained today, the first of which is the vote on the budget and put forward the controversial points with several proposals to leave the option for members of Parliament to choose the most suitable one, or to postpone the session until after the Nowruz holidays, or to repeat the scenario of voting on the Federal Court Law by voting on some articles of the law and leaving the dispute to After the Nowruz holidays. ”