Deputy: Barzani’s remarks do not serve the Iraqi people


Comments sparked regional president of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani on his opposition to the purchase of Iraqi aircraft (F-16) reactions angry by the Iraqi political blocs as an attempt to weaken the Iraqi forces, whilst the Kurds that their fears of arming the Iraqi army are legitimate to the lack of guarantees by the government Central not to repeat the incidents that took place of the Kurds during the period of the previous regime. 
Barzani had said in a press statement Monday that he had informed the U.S. administration not to accept the Kurds delivery aircraft (F-16) combat in Iraq as long as the Nuri al-Maliki as the current Iraqi government.stresses MP a coalition of law Shaker Darraji that he is not entitled to the Kurdistan region rejected a deal to buy fighter jets, stressing that the Iraqi government continues to this deal, describing Barzani’s comments as mere statements to the media will have no echo on the completion of the transaction. For its part, criticized the MP for the block Iraqi “free” high Nassif Jassem Barzani’s comments and indicated that it does not serve the Iraqi people, adding that these statements confirm the existence of some political forces that are trying to keep Iraq weak. She Nassif, in an interview with Radio Free Iraq that strengthening the Iraqi army, which would be hurt in interests of the Iraqi people in general, and the Kurdistan region in particular, especially in light of the attacks the Iranian and Turkish repeated some parts of the province.But the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mahmh Khalil defended the remarks the President of Kurdistan and said it was the result of the lack of guarantees by the central government of the Kurdish people not to repeat incident Halabja and Anfal. He Khalil to the presence of fear by the Kurds against the arming of the Iraqi army the result of what he described as exclusion and marginalization clearly suffered by the Kurds in the Iraqi military. The Baghdad announced early last year for a deal with Washington on the purchase of 18 fighter aircraft type (F-16) to strengthen its air fleet, that is the processing of such aircraft within two to three years from the date of concluding the contract.