Deputy: An upcoming parliamentary hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance regarding the reduction of the exchange rate

Deputy: An upcoming parliamentary hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance regarding the reduction of the exchange rate

05:11 – 10/24/2022

USD-Iraqi dinarBaghdad – Mawazine News
The representative of the Sadiqoon bloc, Suhaila Al-Sultani, announced today, Monday, the hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance in order to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
Al-Sultani said, according to the media of her bloc, that “the signatures of more than 50 deputies were collected to host the governor of the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance in the new government in order to put pressure on reducing the exchange rate, even if it was in stages or gradually.”
She added, “The exchange rate must be reduced due to the difficult standard of living that the Iraqi people are experiencing now and the high rate of poverty,” stressing that “the representatives who signed the exchange rate cut will present a successful financial policy on which global policies are based.”
And she added, “All deputies and political blocs are determined to reduce the exchange rate, and the number of deputies who signed will increase in the coming days.”
A number of deputies had announced, earlier today, the collection of parliamentary signatures from all political blocs in order to work to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar. Raising the price of the dollar in a year. Ended 29 / h