Deletion of zeros in 2014 .. project is ready and implementation of a deferred

Deletion of zeros in 2014 .. project is ready and implementation of a deferred

Posted, 19/12/2014

Deletion of zeros in 2014 - project is ready and implementation of a deferredBAGHDAD / JD / .. affected by the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency unchanged if the rest of the major strategic projects, the unstable security situation in the country, where he was supposed to be implemented early 2014 after the creation of the logistical and technical measures by the central bank, but the deterioration of the situation security in most parts of the country, which saw control of some terrorist groups.
Sparked fears the government and parliament and the Central Bank of the implementation of this major project, which some have described as possibly exploited by outlaws in achieving their ends despicable, prompting the central bank and in agreement with the financial and economic committees Alniabaten to postpone the implementation of the project over four years to come, until the creation of the appropriate security conditions for its implementation.
Member of the Committee on Economy and Investment Attorney Nora Albjara, attributed the lack of implementation of the project to delete the zeros during 2014 to the unstable security situation in the country, as suggested implemented over the next four years.
She Albjara Agency / BD /: “The Central Bank of Finance, Economy and Investment in the House of Representatives and the Committees agreed to postpone the implementation of the project to delete the three zeroes over the next four years, although the central bank completed all technical and logistical procedures relating to the implementation of the project.”
She added: “The reason for the postponement of the implementation of the project and not to be applied in 2014, due to the unstable security situation in most parts of the country, especially in the provinces experiencing control organization (Daash), because it may take advantage of the project by the terrorist groups to achieve their goals Katsyev currency or manipulation of the price of exchange which affects the economic situation in the country. ”
The central bank had announced in 2012 that the application for the project to delete the zeros will be in early 2014, after being able to complete all procedures related to the stages of implementation of the project Ktba currencies and contracting with companies.
As a member of the Finance Committee MP Jamal Joker, stressed that the large project is not affected by the security situation, the fact that the central bank taking all things into consideration, noting that the process will be in the form of stages, so do not affect the market or citizen.
Some of the House of Representatives and economists Odhu jurisdiction rejecting the idea of ​​postponing the implementation of the project over four years to come, and called on the central bank to apply the project in early 2015, the fact that the project is of strategic projects that need to be implemented because it will overhaul the local currency strengthens.
Joker told / BD /: “The central bank completed all necessary and essential for the implementation of the reform project of the currency measures, which are now ready for implementation, but some parties called for a postponement of this project under the pretext of the security situation.”
The member of the Finance Committee, the central bank to implement the project in early 2015 to be implemented in the form of any phases are thrown coins ancient coins and withdraw gradually so do not affect the market and citizens.
The parliamentary finance committee has announced (October 28, 2013), that 2014 will see the implementation of the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, indicating that the deleted will be in coordination with the Central Bank. / End / 8 /