Darkness since the first Earth a million years “lie” purpose blackout on the events of Syria, Iraq and Palestine

Darkness since the first Earth a million years “lie” purpose blackout on the events of Syria, Iraq and Palestine

BAGHDAD – Iraq Press – October 14 / October: 2015

Darkness since the first Earth a million years lie purpose blackout on the events of Syria-Iraq and PalestineIn conjunction with the outbreak of the uprising of stones and knives in Palestine, which followed a series of attacks Alshoenih the Al Aqsa Mosque and divided temporally and spatially and Baltazmn with blatant Russian intervention in Syria and the bombing of the Syrian opposition websites US-backed, as well as aggravation Events in Yemen, Libya and Iraq dramatically, picked up hundreds of Arab and foreign sites study was to attribute to the Agency for International Space “NASA” which stated that “the darkness on the overhanging on the planet for 15 days, between November 15 and 29 of the same month, which It did not happen for more than a million years as they called them.

According to the alleged study it “will occur phenomenon called the (November Black Out) between planetary Jupiter and Venus because of the astronomical event last, where it will be planets in a joint parallel line, and Venus will pass from the southwest to the buyer, what will cause heating gas buyer, which will respond he did in the last. ”

In turn, the global space agency “NASA” denied that they published a report in this regard, adding that he “can not predict solar storms already, but are monitored in real time, and then need two to three days until it reaches the earth, and that solar storms risks do not cause ground disaster this way “.

For his part, said, “Dr. Ashraf Tadros, President of the astronomy department at the National Institute for Astronomical Research of the Ministry of Scientific Research Egyptian,” This phenomenon, which is to talk about many stunningly on the social networking and global positioning incorrect locations, “adding that” some of the international sites reported that NASA “confirmed it by saying that this did not happen for more than a million years.”

He pointed out that “the head of the NASA space offers a note from 1,000 pages to explain this to the White House, calling this nonsense and rumors, he said.”

Astronomical Iraqi also denied Dr Ismail Abdullah Akhlati professor of astronomy at the University of Mustansiriya the rumors about the occurrence of a state of complete darkness permeated the globe between 15 and 29 of the month of November, due to the alignment of Jupiter with Mars and Venus, which will occur on November 15 next.
Akhlati said that “the news reported by many news sites, Arab and foreign social networking sites on the sinking of the planet darkness for 15 continuous days, which aroused fear in the hearts of the citizens are false and incorrect news altogether,” noting that “the phenomenon of alignment of the planets phenomenon astronomical normal It is not unique, and does not cause the occurrence of any final darkness. ”
Turn after the activists that “the transmission of such telecom rumors from time to time than to cover up the grave events occurring in the world and operated Perhaps the events Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Libya comes in the forefront after he was internationalization is very large and very dangerous, especially after the Russian intervention in Syria, A few days ago we heard the phenomenon of the giant moon bloody and accepted Actinzk that threatens annihilation after colliding with Earth and the other lies that the disposal of the public opinion from the real problems to other fake relate to planets, stars and meteorites and the inhabitants of other planets, if any at all. ” Ended O.h
