Central bank: printing banknotes cost Iraq about $ 450 million

Central bank: printing banknotes cost Iraq about $ 450 million

2/16/2016 0:00

Central bank - printing banknotes cost Iraq about 450 millionEncouraged citizens to electronic trading
BAGHDAD – Omar Abdel-Latif,
revealed a senior official at the Central Bank, to afford the public treasury of the Iraqi state since 2003, and so far, about 450 million US peer banknotes printed and counted, sorted and stored and then destroyed the damaged Mnha.oukal Director in the version in the «central bank» Ahsan Yasiri, in an interview with «morning»: the «trading source of funds came to 45 trillion dinars mid-2015, these amounts reduced measures from the central bank for up to 38 trillion dinars end of last year», returned this it «strange, after it was in 2003, trading the source of a 3 trillion, meaning it has doubled 15 times, because we did not use alternative tools».
he added that «the amounts exporting trading, numbering banknotes about 4.7 billion paper, these papers if we wanted moved from one place to another bank needs to 1,500 trucks per load with a capacity of 25 tons ».
He continued: if I want to store it, that needs more than 15 dunums, calling for the need to switch to digital transactions fact that this rolling figure« horrible », the as described.
in charge of the bank, he explained that the central bank carry during the period from 2003 until now more than 377 million dollars to print the papers Alnkadih.vdila all carry up to 120 billion dinars for the operations of counting and sorting, storing and destroying the papers and sent to the landfill because of the harm caused to human health, where damaged bank during the same period more than 1.8 billion banknotes at a cost of printing more than $ 72 million.
despite his assertion that counterfeiting in Iraq is still at its lowest level and easily detected by grocers or traders not to mention the banking system, but the Yasiri warned the fraud «will continue to prevail as long as there is a tremendous amount of banknotes in circulation».
the official called the bank, to the use of the payments system in the reduction of armed robbery and robbery crimes, in addition to the reduction of the crimes that you get as a result of this case by the citizens deal with circles tax that bring a certified check worth amounts ask them what exposes them to criminal operations on their way to the banks.
It is said that the central bank, is seeking to increase the effectiveness of monetary policy to be supportive of a policy of economic stability and support for the goals of development and trends in investment, so as to ensure a state of consistency and harmony with economic policy in general and finance in particular, through a set of policies and reform measures Kalastmrar in tackling inflation and enhance opportunities for sustainable and meaningful stability to maximize economic growth.
the bank aims to stimulate credit activity of the government banking and private, too, by keeping interest rates in order to encourage the private sector and to promote financial capability in the implementation of development projects, so as to enhance his status as an active partner in the development.
in addition to encouraging real investment and strengthen the development opportunities through the Bank’s lending to banks and the secondary market to provide liquidity necessary including help to deepen financial intermediation and raise the credit energy supporting real development activity.
the bank, also to maintain the stability of the local currency by continuing to install its exchange rate against foreign measures, and building a strong foreign currency reserves lead to building the foundations of maintaining the internal and external economic stability, and provide a favorable climate for the start of the investment.
the work of the bank during the last period, to stimulate the banks about to go to the market while seeking to expand the role of private banks in the granting of credits, and activating the financial and developmental role of the stock market, by increasing the capital of public companies, and the expansion of the credit market in order to stimulate leasing activity.
