By name .. leaks of candidates for ministries in the Allawi government

By name .. leaks of candidates for ministries in the Allawi government

06:20 – 02/15/2020

By name .. leaks of candidates for ministries in the Allawi governmentMawazine News publishes the names of the candidates for the ministerial portfolios in the government to be formed, headed by Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.
According to the leaks, the names were as follows:
Ali Al-Dahwi is a candidate for the portfolio of the Ministry of Communications,
Salam Sumaisem, a candidate for the portfolio of the Ministry of Higher Education,
Lieutenant General Abdul-Wahab Al-Saadi, a candidate for the portfolio of the Ministry of Interior,
Lieutenant General Juma Anad, a candidate for the portfolio of the Ministry of Defense,
Safiya Al-Suhail, and Salah Al-Tamimi, two candidates for the portfolio of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.