Auction Central recorded a decline in the value of sales of the dollar compared with a session yesterday

Auction Central recorded a decline in the value of sales of the dollar compared with a session yesterday

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 18:19

BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News / .. record auction sale currency at the central bank, on Tuesday, a decline in the value of sales of the dollar compared with a session yesterday.
The province of cherry Bank and Abdul Basit Turki Agency in a statement quoted by his press office and received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that “the value of central bank auction sales of The Dollar during today’s meeting amounted to” 000,235,118 “million dollars,” explaining that “the number of banks participate in the auction session of 21 banks. ”
“The cash value of the quantity sold of the dollar amounted to” 000,650,27 “million dollars, while the value of the quantity sold Khawwalat” 000,585,90 “million dollars.”
Turki noted that “cash sales price and dollar remittances reached” 1179 “dinars, including the central bank and the commission of” 13 “dinars per dollar.”
It is said that the value of central bank sales of dollar in yesterday’s session exceeded the “155” million dollars over / 21