Araji reveals the corruption of the Central Bank and the reason for not participating in the elections (expanded)

Araji reveals the corruption of the Central Bank and the reason for not participating in the elections (expanded)

2019/2/20 0:35

Araji reveals the corruption of the Central Bank and the reason for not participating in the elections(Baghdad: al-Furat News) Former Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji revealed corruption in the Central Bank of Iraq.
“The former central bank governor Sinan Shabibi financial figure lost by Iraq and because of his differences with the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki accused of files corruption and had a deliberate intention to get him because he stopped the ambitions of political blocs.”
And, that “the problem of the auction of the old old new and previously obtained from banks belonging to the parties or held by blocks and today became the number of these banks was more than 3 years ago 24 banks and today rose to 79 banks because of the currency auction.
“He pointed out that” Maliki accused Sabah al-Saadi on corruption charges in the Central Bank, “pointing out that” the current central bank exhausted the Iraqi economy details and documents and documents, “pointing out that” corruption files are still reserved and will open soon, “noting that” corruption today more but less money ” .
“All the problems of Iraq are personal, which did not produce a united position and a single resolution,” Araji said. “The national coalition was stronger under the leadership of Mr. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim.”
The former leader of the Sadrist movement, “I wish the relationship would remain good with Mr. Moqtada al-Sadr, but some of the problems that entered with the current and Mr. Sadr, and my successor was not with his person but with the footnote, but we have reached a stage of many interventions and my interest not to continue this position” .
“There were many demands from the footnote, some of them economic, social and personal when I was deputy prime minister, and I was rejecting it and I was honored with Muqtada al-Sadr, but it reflected on the street that I was a victim.”
Al-Araji explained that “the obedience of Gatt with great differences with large political blocs,” noting that “the strike Bahaa al-Araji means hitting Mr. Moqtada and used websites against the Sadrist movement and against me.”
He pointed out that “the procedure of Mr. Moqtada al-Sadr my desire to raise the current and remained good relationship with him, but not fair so far,” noting that “the Sadrist leaders knew Sadr and not their names.”
He explained that “all the masses of the parties change only the Sadrists and the growing public, but the proportion of adults does not exceed the year 10%,” noting that “the Sadrists are steadily increasing and is the resolution of seats are going.”
“After his resignation from the previous government, no one has been isolated for more than a year,” al-Araji said.
“He disagreed with Maliki on the electoral number and was nominated in the elections on the list of national and became a change in names because of political pressure on the President of the coalition Iyad Allawi not to enter the elections and withdrew.”
He stressed that “he did not support the break-in of the House of Representatives because it reduces the prestige of the state,” noting that “his position” positive from Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, but I have doubts about his cabinet cabinet.
“The mother of” the Supreme Council to fight Safad a positive step but did not transfer his mission to the citizens, About the salon and the prosecution must be part of the Council. ”
On his political future, Araji said that” I found an opportunity to run in the next election I will go independent. ”