Americans volunteered to fight the «Daesh» in Iraq

Americans volunteered to fight the «Daesh» in Iraq

8/22/2016 0:00

Americans volunteered to fight the Daesh in IraqDisappointed by the international attitude towards the terrorist gang crimes
An increasing number of Western volunteers who want to go to Iraq to fight against the gang «Daesh» terrorist, and some of them were, until recently, served in the regular army in the West, accurate data in this regard are rare but the testimonies collected from comrades in the front shows what appears to be these volunteers would want to speed up the go, convinced that «Daesh», gasping for breath, and soon will be defeated in Iraq and Syria, and sees volunteers Westerners that the position of their governments and the international position is «shameful» about the atrocities committed by gangs «Daesh» in the region.
In fact , lost the ring «Daesh» sites on the ground and about 45 armed thousand years ago , according to the United States , estimated at several of these terrorists between 15 and 30,000 people currently, and are preparing to «Daesh» had increasing difficulty in recruiting and compensation for its dead, in contrast , it seems to be volunteers in a hurry to join forces confronting the terrorist gang , even if the authorities in their countries discourage them strongly or even prevent their recruitment. Iraqi force Louis Park’s «26» – year – old and a native of Texas in the United States engaged for the second time in June in the ranks of the Christian force in Iraq, he told «AFP»: he «noticed a significant increase of requests from the volunteers Westerners potential», confirmed Park , who formerly served in the US Marines Marines and fought in Afghanistan, that «people know that the end of « Daesh »was close and trying to join to fight as long as it ‘s never too late », Park has been engaged in the ranks of « Duej Nausha »(ie , self – sacrifice) , a force of Christian Assyrians Iraqis cooperating with Kurdish fighters Peshmerga, and holds the Iraqi Christian force the task of protecting villages to about thirty kilometers to the north of Mosul, He explained in a telephone interview not far from the front line somewhere, «getting requests to inquire from around the world 0.60 , or 70 applications since I returned to the front». disappointed According to a recent study published by the «strategic dialogue Institute», a center – based studies in London, that more than one – third of the 300 foreign fighters against the «Daesh» who pursued them across social networking are from the US networks, but their motivations to join the battle front they are different, but are often linked to the need to do something and also «disappointment» what they see as a response is adequately by the international community on the crimes committed by the gang «Daesh» terrorist, and drew a report «strategic dialogue Institute» to «the only drawback respect to the atrocities committed against civilians, and accuses the large number of volunteers world leaders affixed their ears about the suffering of the victims of the conflict». experience fighter said another volunteer surnamed b «Mike» he receives about a dozen messages a day from people who want to join the ranks of the fighters who are fighting gangs «Daesh.» But the increasing number of foreign volunteers who go to Iraqi Kurdistan poses a problem for the authorities , which views with concern to these men and their equipment, he said , «Mike» Norwegian – old volunteer 31 years ago , warning: «very likely not allow them (volunteers) to fight and come back frustrated» and for volunteers «Park» and »Mike» tens of thousands of observers to accounts with a «Instagram», come most of the query requests from the Americans , according to «Mike», but there are also requests came from the side of the Europeans and Australians.