Alusi: Daash unable currency counterfeiting

Alusi: Daash unable currency counterfeiting

Published on Friday 0.07 2 October / November 2014 11:49

Alusi - Daash unable currency counterfeitingBAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ( IMN ) – President of the Civic Democratic Alliance confirmed Alusi, on Friday, that the gangs Aldaashah incapable of falsification of local or foreign currency, in order to provide liquidity in the areas controlled by them.

He explained Alaolci’s ( IMN ) that “the Iraqi currency are high quality specifications of printing and paper, and can not be counterfeited by Daash terrorist gangs”. Noting that “Daash unable to provide cash fake.”
A member of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Ali al-Maliki, earlier, the central bank promised to remove the zeros of the currency over the next five years and make it tamper-proof.