Algerian: Call for an emergency parliamentary session to address oil smuggling from the region immediately

Algerian: Call for an emergency parliamentary session to address oil smuggling from the region immediately


Algerian - Call for an emergency parliamentary session to address oil smuggling from the region immediatelyInformation / Special..
Today, Sunday, the member of the Coordination Framework, Abdul Rahman Al-Jazaery, called for holding an emergency session of the House of Representatives to discuss the issue of oil smuggling from the region, which he described as directly affecting the country’s economy and posing a serious threat to its vital resources.

Al-Jazaery confirmed in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency that “the issue of oil smuggling from the region is one of the most prominent corruption files that requires radical and decisive treatment,” noting that “the law must be the final judge in confronting such issues.”

He called for “the necessity of questioning the Minister of Oil and the Prime Minister regarding this issue,” considering that “the international organization OPEC is closely following what is happening in this context, which imposes on Iraq a commitment to transparency and combating corruption to ensure the protection of its national interests.”

He pointed out the “importance of opening corruption files related to oil smuggling and taking the necessary legal measures to hold those involved accountable,” calling for “holding an emergency session of the House of Representatives to discuss the issue of oil smuggling from the region on an ongoing basis, as it directly affects the country’s economy and poses a serious threat to its vital resources.”

It is reported that more than 300,000 barrels of oil are smuggled daily from the Kurdistan Region, without there being any clear knowledge of the fate of the money resulting from this process, according to media reports.