Al-Fateh: The citizen will not feel the dollar’s decline until after these measures are implemented

Al-Fateh: The citizen will not feel the dollar’s decline until after these measures are implemented


Al-Fateh - The citizen will not feel the dollars decline until after these measures are implementedInformation / Baghdad…
A member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Salam Hussein, confirmed that the citizen will not feel the decision to reduce the price of the dollar unless measures are taken to fight speculators and follow up prices in the markets by the economic security committees to ensure that prices of consumables are reduced by merchants.

Hussein told Al-Maalouma, “Reducing the exchange rate of the dollar is a decision that is calculated for Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani and for the political parties that support and problem the government.”

He added, “The decision to reduce the exchange rate will not be effective unless the regulatory agencies and economic security work to monitor prices in the markets and pursue speculators and prevent them from raising prices in the local markets.”

And he indicated that “the decrease in the exchange rate must be accompanied by a decline in prices by merchants, because failure to adhere to reducing prices will not achieve the desired benefit from the government’s decision to raise the value of the dinar, and therefore there is a need for the concerned authorities to move to follow up on consumer prices in the markets.”