Abadi reveals a plan with the Kurdistan region for “the creation of a unified federal state” [Extended]

Abadi reveals a plan with the Kurdistan region for “the creation of a unified federal state” [Extended]

Posted, 11/23/2016 21:44

Abadi reveals a plan with the Kurdistan region for the creation of a unified federal state[Oan- Baghdad]
revealed Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi plan with the Kurdistan region for ” the creation of a federal state age of one unified Iraqi state.”
Ebadi said during a press conference from the city of Karbala , which he visited on Monday that ” the provincial semi – independent since 1991 , and after 2003 the same trend remained and now want to build something in common and build this situation within a unified Iraqi state and the one that needs to be maximum cooperation , which is not easy but we have a common interest “.
He stressed , “We do not want the creation of a centralized state dictatorship represses citizens, but we want to create a federal state they serve and cooperate with the provinces , ” adding that ” the government is committed to its program to grant further corrections to the provinces and determined in this direction and have the federal government powers for the provinces and provincial powers.”
He added Abadi “If Iraq was a strong Everyone be strong, but unfortunately some people think that the weakness of Iraq is powerless and this applies to some political parties to be stronger than the state until blackmailing citizens and the state , and this is not true because our strength strongly the country , which for all its citizens.”
” The secret of our strength is the liberation of the land and our unity and our harmony and deal with the citizen as a citizen and not a matter of religious and nationalist Iraqis , his background and the success of their unity and their giving.”
He pointed out that “sectarian, ethnic and national fell to the lowest level and there is a great cooperation between all the components to eliminate Daesh This Iraqi success , ” accusing “some countries as they want Iraq to fall apart and keeps busy with his injuries , but the Iraqi victories was an earthquake at the other, and today when we want to edit Mosul resound voices in defense of the people of the year and say this is about the defense that killed Daesh of all sects and ethnic groups , and the purpose of these countries to raise problems and the suspension of military operations, we will not stop. ”
The Prime Minister called for “communal reconciliation Fdaash tried to sign between the Iraqi people and we need them, and can not continue in this struggle and committed a crime and implicated in blood should be punished according to the law.”
And what was said by some media of Nie Post factions in the popular crowd at the Syrian regime support, Abadi said that ” the statement is not popular crowd probably wrong move and what concerns us edit our territory and to impose security within our borders , we do not want to be part of any battle outside Iraq and we want to eliminate on Daesh and secure the border with Syria, are involved in this project and we cooperate with all countries in the region to kill Daesh not just taking them out , “he said . ” Daesh shrinking and retreating and do not have volunteers and large backing preparing declining because of Iraqi victories, and interested in the Iraqi border stability – Syrian and hope that the Syrian government border control ports on its part. ”
On asked about the US president ‘s remarks elect Donald Trump during the race about his quest to take Iraq ‘s oil, responded Abadi said , ” with respect to statements Trump for Iraq ‘s oil Valssayasn say everything in the elections , an ancient statements of previous years, politicians everywhere offering group and promises to win the votes of the valid this , of course , is not mentioned. ”
” I talked with Trump immediately and assured me that the US support will increase to Iraq , nor can there be any foreign troops on Iraqi territory and the Iraqi decision and oil Iraq by ethnic And we got support that Nstjdi Fbdmaina liberated territories and broken terrorism and this in the interest of the world.”
He added that “Iraq is in a strong position not afraid of anything, and I imagine that the US will not change the direction of political terrorism generally support Iraq because everyone needs to proven by merit in the fight against terrorism.”
