Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-19-2024
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-19-2024
1-19-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO those of you that deal in commodities…you saw 1.68…on the 15th. Today you saw 3.04 on the commodity trades with the Iraqi dinar and you saw it being done in Iraqi dinars, no other foreign currency …based on what we are seeing, they are agreeing to the future rate of the Iraqi dinar in commodities in dinars. These are contracts…to buy or sell a specific quantity of a physical commodity at a specific price on a particular date. Basically what you saw…IMO are Futures.
1-19-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq and the IMF are discussing cooperation and start meetings soon to support a reform program” They would not be having these meetings on Iraq on the world stage unless they were ascending to the WTO and about to have a valuation change. And that is certainly what we are hearing from contractors and government officials inside Iraq. We just don’t know the exact time…but know they are prepared. And they told us via an article…that they are getting ready to peg their currency to a basket of currencies from the region to increase the value of the dinar to compete with the US dollar.
1-19-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The Dong is also going to be at a really good rate way higher than we thought in the old days, way higher and where they do not have a contract rate on the Dong – And never have – we understand, they will offer us a very substantial higher rate.
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’m not the 100% good news guru, sorry. I’m the grounded and I’m just going to tell you the truth guru – Good, bad or ugly. I’m hated in the dinar community. I was given the bad body of the dinar community label which is kinda funny because you would think I would be the good boy because I’m being honest…But it doesn’t bother me…This is about what we need to accomplish, what direction we’re going into, how much we’ve accomplished, How close is it to a reality…
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man The fun part is we are watching history in the making…Saudi Arabia strongly supports Iraq’s ascension to the World Trade Organization…They’ve basically said Iraq has completed everything needed to be done. Everything is just shy of announcing they have WTO ascension.
1-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “JPMorgan Bank announces its readiness to open accounts for three private Iraqi banks” HEY CHASE BANK MANAGER… READ ‘EM & WEEP!!! I TOLD YOU SO!
1-18-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We have articles that say their ascension to the WTO was approved back in Feb of 2023. At this point I believe they are just dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s …. My contracting sources in Iraq say the valuation has been determined …and we are just waiting on the release. I think that is very accurate…
1-18-2024 Guru Nader From The Mid East The export of oil is going to go up. Tourism…go back to normal. A lot of things will go back. But nobody know that. I see a lot of negative things. Everybody is talking bullshit. They are going to have to revalue it [the dinar]….
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram So far the conflicts in the Middle East have not affected the Iraqi dinar exchange rate. Iraq continues to increase its GDP and create more streams of income outside of the oil industry. These are the recommendations of the IMF to create economic stability.
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Let me make this perfectly clear, the deletion of the zeros has nothing to do with the exchange rate. They’re talking specifically about the bank note…
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man The deletion of the zeros project off the exchange rate. Alaq has done it. Seleh has come out and done it in the last two days…It’s fresh. It’s important. We all know the WTO is about trade. If anybody thinks they were going to do this at 1310, show me why because they could have that that a year ago at 1450…They didn’t…
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “JPMorgan Bank announces its readiness to open accounts for three private Iraqi banks ” Quote: “JPMorgan Regional CEO for the Middle East and North Africa, Khaled Hoballah, announced …the bank’s readiness to enhance cooperation with Iraq and open accounts for three private Iraqi banks.”
1-18-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article 1: “JPMorgan plans to open accounts for 3 Iraqi banks” Article 2: “Al-Sudani discusses trading in digital currencies with JP Morgan Bank”
1-18-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] They are calling to no longer have a fixed rate. But, attaching it to a basket so its value can compete with the USD. You know they have been working on de-dollarization. One US dollar buys 1300 dinar right now. For it to compete with the US dollar…the rate needs to be a whole lot closer…I know things have been moving slowly, slowly, slowly… I think we are about to see the “suddenly” part of this thing.
1-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Television showing Sudani in Davos. He’s sitting right next to JP Morgan. A representative on the news showing they are ready to open three more branches here in Iraq with private Iraqi banks… FRANK: JP Morgan…knows what’s going on and they know that a new exchange rate is coming. The employees of Chase don’t know anything but the Chief Executive Officer of Chase, Dimon obviously does know and is making an amazing statement in these articles…
1-18-2024 Newshound/Intel Gurus Militia Man & MarkZ [via PDK] Militia Man: Economic experts in Iraq are talking about using a basket of currencies. They are talking using other currencies and for the dinar to compete with the value of the dollar. MarkZ: When you said Iraq plans to compete with the US dollar- They cannot compete with the USD at 1 dollar buying 1310 dinar. Militia Man: I just read that the basket of currencies with the Euro, the Chinese yuan, and the UAE durham will be used to value the Iraqi dinar in the way that competes with the US dollar. That is the quote. MarkZ: That is telling.
1-18-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] So today we heard that there was an in country rate on the dinar little over $3 – That’s in country – for Iraq. But our rate is going to be – remember what…Dr. shabibbi maybe said back in December of 2012 at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting, when Bluestar asked him what he thought the rate on the dinar would be to the dollar and Dr Shabibbi said that it would be over sixteen – Well, we’re well over that, and we should be in good shape In terms of what they offer us… Do not be surprised, though, make sure you’re sitting down when you get offered a quote unquote contract rate on the dinar. Because I know it’s going to be very amazing. And I’ve heard of these rates before and I’ve been keeping up with them. It’s gonna blow your mind…