Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-28-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-28-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-28-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 I believe on the 28th Iraq is going be in a position to do financial international transfers without any restrictions. Oh, boy! Wouldn’t that be great? I believe it’s a 10 day period…28th to 8th of next month…I believe in these 10 days we’re also going to see the HCL. And I believe without a doubt, the reason why we haven’t added the HCL and everything else is because we don’t have a new international exchange rate…It is fantastic. These 10 days have great potential for may things to be paid.

9-28-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 When Iraq got placed on sanctions, yes they got a program rate, but the nail that kept them functional to sanctions was the auctions…What they’re telling us now is the way they’ve always done auctions is going to be gone…The old way for you to pay for imports would be you would have to go to the auctions and do it through submitting invoices and proof and paperwork. It takes about 2 weeks…Now a coffee shop is going to be able to pay his own import right through his bank like every other normal country in the world. We are excited…That means they’re going to be an internationally acceptable…tradable currency. They’re going to have value…

9-28-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “State contracts are executed in Iraqi dinar” This is important and part of the de-dollarization process and the sovereignty of their currency. They are also converting old contracts to dinar as well. Article: “Iraq imposes dinar- only policy for domestic transactions” They say they are going to honor contracts at the “exchange rate” and that rate can change…and is expected to …but they want to make certain that the framework for all the contracts get converted based on the official exchange rate. This is huge and Iraq has made enormous progress.

9-28-2023 Intel/Newshound Guru Holly Some very important things are going to happen: 1. The USA sanctions on auctions for Iraq are being lifted after 30 years! Signed off by treasury last week when Iraq was in USA! Boom 2. Iraq is being part of the WTO by October 4th! They have to have an international rate to be part of it! Boom 3. Iraq is having their first ever Independence Day on October 3rd!! Congratulations Iraq! This means they are independent and their war has ended! This by far is the biggest boom ever!

9-27-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 Thursday I’m guaranteeing you the auctions change. That’s the CBI announcement. That’s the 28th…that’s their banking Friday. That means they automatically go into offline… I wouldn’t go crazy looking for something on Thursday but let me tell you, official implementation date is Thursday per the CBI. Whether we see it Friday, Saturday I cannot promise you that…I’ll also tell you this, this is very damn close…

9-27-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Yes, there are a lot of reasons to be excited about the Iraqi dinar’s future. There are a lot of steps taking place to make things happen. This Authorization of Military Use would definitely give Iraq back their sovereignty. They’d be free to do what they want without asking for permission all the damn time.

9-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Rumors are “screaming” right now. But the biggest news of the day is the Senate passing the resolution to end the sanctions and the war on Iraq. This is huge and once the house passes it – it will allow Iraq to have full control over their own money …their own oil and their own destiny. Watch what happens the next few days. We know they are celebrating …and a lot of people think we may see something overnight tonight. I still think it won’t be until the weekend at the earliest. I hope they are right and I am wrong. News is overwhelmingly positive.

9-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Sudani’s mission at the UN is completed. Is his mission to the US Treasury completed? Yes. Who’s next? The citizens on October 1st.

9-27-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Several articles the last few days talking about a unified treasury account in Iraq. We have talked about this for years, as it is necessary for the central bank to begin monitoring inflationary pressure created by investment capital. Unified account makes it easier statistically.

9-27-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article “Al-Sudani directs the suspension of official working hours on October 3″ Quote “The Iraqi National Day is a day that was proposed in 2008 to be made a national day that falls on October 3, to commemorate the day of Iraq’s declaration of independence from the British Mandate and its joining the League of the United Nations, and that independence was on October 3, 1932.”

9-27-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 What does Sudani come out today and say? He says, ‘Hey everybody I am announcing to you we are going to have a special holiday. We are going to have our very own Independence Day and that will be October 3rd’…Iraq has never ever had an Independence Day. Citizens of Iraq, I’m hearing from boots on the ground, are beyond themselves.

9-27-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy We know congress is supposed to vote for Iraq on whether or not they want to reverse the authorization for military force over there in Iraq. That’s going to be a biggie. I’m curious to see what happens. I don’t know if they’re going to reverse it all the way but I do believe you might see a modified version of it that still would benefit Iraq…

9-27-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Alaq the central bank governor he’s posting some things on the CBI website that’s pretty powerful…24 pages of instructions talking about international banking…He also put a piece out specifically talking about a new system of external transfers…This particular piece is phenomenal because he’s working with the Central Bank of Iraq and the United States Federal Bank…They’re talking about different currencies…UAE dirham, Turkish lira, European euro, Indian rupee…He’s been knocking it out of the park.

9-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: October 3rd, Iraq Republic Freedom Day…or independence Day… MarkZ: Looks like they are finally getting their freedom from us…This day in history…Iraq earns independence. This was in 1932 where they announced their independence from Great Britain. Why is this important? Look at the date. OCTOBER 3, 1932! …is that not poetic that they are expected to give the announcement of their independence from US sanctions and the control over their money on October 3, 2023… this is interesting timing. I very much expect a massive breakthrough…if not a value change of direction by Oct 3rd. Banking sources still expect it sooner.

9-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Sudani directs the suspension of official working hours on October 3″ IMPORTANT DATES BETWEEN THE 28TH AND THE 8TH… INDEPENDENCE DAY HAS NO SANCTIONS IN IT!

9-27-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 They’re doing away with the auctions January 1, 2024. But as of this Thursday…the implementation of how you do the auctions are completely changing…it’s dinars from here on out only…

9-27-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East What I saw today made me believe I am sure we are independent. Sudani tells the whole country on the 3rd of October for Independence Day. That means the war is ended guys. That’s good news. Remember I told you, wait till the war is finished. Wait till they announce no more war. They did it today by saying the 3rd will be our first Independence Day.

9-27-2023 Intel Guru yada Contracts are signed, central banks are in sync to receive the new rate, and Iraq is staging a release unprecedent in history past. …Because of what they’ve done and releasing, this is a sure thing…the facts of readiness have never been achieved until now and the World event is about to be seen.

9-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Will the RV be announced to the public? MarkZ Answer: Yes but they not use the same terminology (like RV or Revaluation) that you and I use. They will most likely call it a “financial reset” or a “sound money act” or something like that. This will let us know they have gone asset backed and have new bills …you will see it all over the news. If you are paying attention…you will know what it is.