Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-13-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-13-2023
6-13-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Apparently they are done with the budget. It’s a tripartite budget…It’s not just for one year, it’s for 3 years. That’s amazing. I don’t think Iraq has ever seen a budget, I mean truly truly seen a budget open, disclosed and shown to the world, to the citizens in probably 50 years…has it been shown to the world? No. But it’s going to be.
6-13-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready Iraq got a lot done. They have a modern budget. They have a POS system. Their markets are internationally linked. They are less dependent on paper money. They are ready for new projects. It took quite a while, but all that is done…Don’t forget, the CBI can release the rate today.
6-13-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Monday Briefing: Iraq passes a massive controversial budget bill” It is massive. They have the dollars for it and it requires oil stays at about $70 a barrel. They have the mechanism in it to change the value if their currency.
6-12-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 How many times have you gone to J.P. Morgan-Chase and you asked them, ‘What is your opinion about the Iraqi dinar?” They stopped selling it on December 21, 2008 at noon and they’ve been acting like they don’t know anything ever since then. Same thing with Wells Fargo…the article last week JP Morgan Chase Manhattan, ‘We are supporting the Iraqi dinar…We will carry it. We will make sure it goes international. We are right behind the Iraqi dinar.’ …You think they’re gonna make money with the Iraqi dinar at a program rate? Of course not.
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The Iraqi Trade Bank and JPMorgan are discussing the development of banking operations” Quote “…the directives of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani to advance the country’s economy, and to ensure that the best services are provided to the Iraqi citizen according to the best.” Available methods and means within international standards, which will reflect positively on the Iraqi economy.”
6-12-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Trade Bank of Iraq, JP Morgan discuss banking operations” This is all point of sale and infrastructure. They are doing everything they need to do to be prepared for this exchange…I continue to hear they have positioned the lower denominations for release into the market as soon as they get the “go ahead”.
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Community comment ‘an RV is in the budget.’ That is not how it works. The passing of this three tripartite budget gives Iraq the opportunity now to diversify their economy and begin significant reconstruction. Only with the success and growth of their economy will the dinar go up in value.
6-12-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 This is no game. This is real life. There are a lot of people, my friends are there, are excited and encouraged because their economy is exploding. It is exploding now. Can you imagine what’s going to happen when that rate reflects the true value? They can’t wait. They’re salivating.
6-12-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The clock of the Middle East has to move a little faster and there’s a great need for it. Many countries around the world are depending on the Iraqi dinar to become a financial central hub to the Middle East. This is powerful. This is a fact of banking. There are many countries… banks are waiting for this new exchange rate/new national currency of Iraq…
6-12-2023 Guest Guru Babysmom [reference Babysmom post below] …ONCE THE RATE IS CHANGED IT WOULD THEN GO TO FOREX. ONCE IT’S ON FOREX WE CAN EXCHANGE…
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Youssef Al-Kalabi Tweet “Tomorrow the budget will be sent to the President of the Republic for approval”
6-12-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are getting a lot of chatter for the possibilities of some “group level” currency exchanges over the next day or so… I am told the goal is between Tuesday and Thursday of this week…They are getting blown up with requests, times and logistics… Member question: Who are the groups? MarkZ answer: I would name some specifically but would end up in trouble. …Things appear to be heating up very nicely…And I was told Vietnam is going with Iraq come hell or high water. They are intertwined with each other economically.
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Who’s the authority? Central bank is the authority to talk about the exchange rate. The government is the authority to talk about the program, the rollout, the process. That’s Sudani…
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “What does JPMorgan’s willingness to support Iraqi banks mean?” This is not good…this is like jumping into bed with the devil…What they’re trying to do is force Iraq to use U.S. dollars along with anybody else that deals with the IMF or the World Bank…it doesn’t mean we won’t benefit from it, for those who are invested in the Iraqi dinar, we will. But I’m thinking more for the Iraqi people.
6-12-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI came out and said we have $111 billion dollars in federal reserves…they also said we have 132.7 tons of gold. So $111 billion in hard cash in foreign currency for their monetary reform and 132.7 tons of gold for their monetary reform. Uh, no! It’s a lot more than that!! What they have to support their monetary reform is outstanding. It’s astronomical. It’s huge…the futures are not even calculated in these numbers. There are untapped assets that are out there right now.
6-12-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq’s Parliament approves budget, ending dispute over oil revenue sharing with Kurdish region” This is huge. Oil sharing with Kurdish region is the HCL and one of the major steps we have been waiting for…What I am hearing from the streets in Iraq is that they need a day or a couple days for the prices to stabilize…and I should have an update as to what they are saying “timing wise” soon. A lot of very positive stuff occurred over this weekend.
6-12-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East After today what is the next step? The next step is the currency…Forex…so be ready for it…next week is going to be busy.
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Question: “Once they announce the Budget completed, does that give us the HCL? or is that a whole separate thing we need to deal with?” THE HCL IS IN THE BUDGET…THERE IS AN ARTICLE …THAT STATES THAT. THE BUDGET WILL BUST EVERYTHING WIDE OPEN…
6-12-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni It appears tonight that Iraq Parliament has voted on the budget for the next 3 years. Excellent news. This new tripartite budget is critical to Iraq diversifying their economy over the next 3 years. I believe this is how we will see the dinar rise in value as a result of Iraq’s diversification away from oil and economic growth.