Al-Sadr returns to the language of threat: Beware of the wrath of Halim

Al-Sadr returns to the language of threat: Beware of the wrath of Halim


Al-Sadr returns to the language of threat - Beware of the wrath of HalimKufa (Iraq) – Preachers of the Sadrist movement returned to delving into internal issues after a relatively long period of retreat, while observers read it as an indication of the imminent return of the movement to the political scene in Iraq. On Friday, the preacher of the Kufa Mosque, Hadi al-Dinnawi, sent warning messages to the “upper political class in Iraq” against “the wrath of al-Halim,” referring to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr.

Al-Dinawi said in the central sermon of the movement in the Kufa mosque that “the political upper class was distracted by enacting laws that serve its partisan, factional and personal interests.” He added, “We believe that the reason for all of this is (Al-Halim’s stillness), not his silence, for (Al-Sadr’s family) do not remain silent, and beware of Al-Halim’s anger if he gets angry.”

◙ The Kufa preacher’s involvement in the internal politics of Iraq does not appear to be innocent or on his own initiative, and most likely it is a prelude to al-Sadr’s return to the political arena.

The Sadrist movement turned in on itself, after its leader’s decision to withdraw from the political process in favor of his opponents in the coordination framework last June, following his failure to achieve his ambition to form a majority government that he would lead.

Over the past months, there has been much speculation about al-Sadr’s return to the political arena, but his decision last month to freeze the movement’s work and start a process of purification from within, against the background of the emergence of a group calling itself “the people of the cause” and promoting that al-Sadr is the expected Mahdi, led to the weakening of the idea of ​​his return. almost.

Observers believe that, given al-Sadr’s career, it is practically unpredictable about his behavior and stances, which usually contradict common belief. However, they say that the Kufa preacher’s involvement again in the internal politics of Iraq does not seem innocent, or on his personal initiative, and most likely it is a prelude to Al-Sadr’s return to the political arena.

Observers point out that al-Sadr was apparently waiting for the dissolution of the State Administration Coalition, which leads the current political process in Iraq, given the size of the differences between its components, but this bet has been prolonged, and he may find that the best is to move and reactivate his presence.