A protest demonstration in front of the Central Bank of Iraq because of a private bank that declared bankruptcy

A protest demonstration in front of the Central Bank of Iraq because of a private bank that declared bankruptcy

2022-11-14 07:32

A protest demonstration in front of the Central Bank of Iraq because of a private bank that declared bankruptcyShafaq News/ A number of citizens demonstrated in front of the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, to demand their money deposited with a private bank that declared bankruptcy.

Muhammad Salam, one of the citizens deposited in the Al-Warka Bank, told Shafaq News agency, “We deposited millions of dinars in the Warka Bank before declaring its bankruptcy, and he did not pay it back to us even after placing it under guardianship.”

And he indicated that “the central bank promised us to return this money, and more than 11 years have passed, and nothing has been returned to the depositors.”

He added that “all the banks that have been placed under tutelage, such as (Dar Al-Salam) and (Al-Eqtisad), have paid the dues of their customers, but the Central Bank did not solve our problem with the Warka Bank, which was liquidated.”

For his part, Abu Yassin told Shafaq News agency, “Our money has been stolen, despite repeated promises by the Central Bank to settle the accounts of Warka Bank customers.”

He explained, “All my savings were put in this bank and it was stolen after declaring it bankrupt and placing it under guardianship.”

He pointed out that “the Central Bank is responsible for these banks and how they operate, and therefore it must return our rights in full without procrastination or procrastination.”

And the trusteeship committee formed by the Central Bank of Iraq to audit the accounts of the Warka Bank, which was to distribute the financial returns obtained from the bank’s debts to the owners of small deposits, each according to his deposit, indicating that there are ten thousand citizens of the owners of small deposits.

Article 67 of the Banking Law stipulates that the Central Bank of Iraq shall establish and license an interim bank based on Article 67 and provide it with capital by the state to obtain all or part of the assets and liabilities of the bank subject to rehabilitation.
